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    I walk over to Gally glancing toward Winston on my way. What the fuck am I missing? I stop a few feet away from him, hopping up and sitting on the bench next to the section of the watch tower he's repairing. "So, what's up with you and Winny?" I ask crossing my arms when he freezes for a millisecond. "Nothing is up with Winston and I." He says cooly. I raise an eyebrow at him, tilting my head to the side a little. "Really? Because he seems to save his special glares for you and I." I fire back looking at him expectantly. "Look, it-it's not my place to tell, alright?" He sighs when I just lean back against the tower rolling my eyes.

    "I punched him in the face. That's all you get, now move. You're going to hit your head on a nail." I says pulling me back towards him. "I- why? You can't just say 'oh I punched him the face' and then not elaborate you dope!" I say shaking my head when he literally lifts me off the bench and sets me on the ground a few paces away. "Too bad. One of the slicers probably needs put back together." He says shooing me off. This absolute dickhead.

    I walk back to the med-hut and take another inventory. Nothing else needs doing so I clean the space before walking out again. Pausing outside to figure out who to bother first, I lean against the makeshift building and cross my arms scanning the area around me.

    I make my way to the gardens, figuring I might get some information from Newt. "Squirtle!" I call jogging the rest of the way over to him and getting a few confused looks from the other track-hoes. Newt ignores me, continuing to do whatever the fuck he's doing the vines in front of him. "Squirt. Newtie. Newtie patootie. Newt the toot. Lizard boy!" I start spouting off random nicknames to get a response, smiling triumphantly when he finally turns around to look at me. "What could you possibly want to pull the lizard card?" He asks wiping his hands on a rag hanging nearby and joining me to sit on a log.

    "Well...I was wondering, maybe if you could ppossibly tell me what happened between Gally and Winston?" Newt's face changes from one of annoyance to one of brief apprehension before becoming blank. "I have no idea." He says standing and turning away from me. "No. You do know, and I know you know because you got this look that says 'I know but I'm not supposed to tell' so tell or I am going to ask Winston myself." I threaten pulling him to sit down again. "What do you know?" He asks with a sigh. "I know that Gally gave him a good one in the face. And that the rest 'isn't his place to tell.' Whatever the fuck that means." Newt purses his lips and complies, sitting back down with me. "I need you not to pick a fight with him." My brother pleads, his face turning serious. "That depends on what I hear." I reply apprehensively.

    Newt sighs again put in hands in his lap. "You know when you were unconscious for four days?" He asks. I nod in return. "Well, like fifteen, thirty minutes before you woke up I was supposed to go on a date with Winston. I missed it for...obvious reasons." I nod again, my eyebrows furrowing. "He got mad, which I understood...to a point. He came into the Med-hut, asked me to choose between the two of you and made some...very serious accusations about you. He got me crying and I suppose Gally already wasn't fond of him because ignored Clint's warning of leaving Winston and he nailed him in the face and made him leave. Clint may have pretended he didn't see anything when asked of it." Newt turns to me when he finishes his explanation and rests his elbows in his knees.

    "He tried to make you choose between us? And then accused me of what?" I ask. Newt nods, ignoring the second question. "What did he accuse me of?" I ask again, a little stronger. "I-It's not something I'd like to discuss in front of everyone." He mutters studying the log beneath us. I nod, standing up and pulling him to stand with me. "Let's go somewhere else then." I shrug.

   •Third Person•

     Newt becomes unsure when the pair arrive at the door to his sister's hut. He walks in behind her, closing the door. "Are you sure you want to know?" He asks once more, sitting on the bed beside her. The older girl nods, setting a hand on her brothers knee. "Positive. But you don't have to tell me anything if it makes you uncomfortable, okay?" She assures with a gentle smile. Her brother nods in return, fiddling with his hands.

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