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   "Hey, the box is coming up." I say grabbing Gally's arm out of habit. We walk over the the open part of the glade and wait. "You think it'll be a girl?" He asks, sitting down on a tree stump near the opening. "I don't know, I mean they said it's never happened before so I doubt it." I shrug sitting across from him. He rests his elbows on his knees and looks up towards me. "So, you and Frypan are a thing?" I just about fall of the stump. "No?" Answer looking at him with where-the-fuck-did-you-get-that eyes. "Oh, you guys just seemed close. Sorry." He apologizes almost, coldly, looking behind me to the box. That's weird as fuck.

     The all too familiar clank of metal and blaring of sirens rings out and then the stampede of boys to torture the newcomer. Newt and Minho open the doors to the box and Winston jumps down. "C'mon, Greenie!" He says pulling the boy to his feet only to see blood dripping down his fucking brow. "Well fuck, get him out of there." I say waving towards the boy, a few of the others jump down and look like they're going to try and throw him out of the box. "No!" I start before they all have the chance. "Possible traumatic head injuries! In other words be careful you dimwits." I shout down as they lift the boy handing his weedy frame to Fry and Gally. "Take him to the tent." I say walking away.

    "So how bad is it?" Fry asks setting the greenie down on the cot. "How the fuck would I know? I've barely seen his face." I snap, pointing towards the entrance of the tent. "Out. Now." I say not looking up from the 'closet' where the supplies is. "Get me a rag." I say in the direction of the door. I hear a grunt and feet walking away. I turn to the greenie, and kneel beside the low bed.

Being careful not to cause any more problems I look at his head where I assume he hit it in the box. "Here." Gally hands me a rag and sits in the corner of the tent. "You don't have to stay if you don't want. I'll probably be in here for a while." I say carefully wiping the blood from the boys forehead. "I'm not busy." He shrugs and leans back against the support beam of the tent. I smile a little turning my focus back to the greenie.

    "Dinner." Gally walks in with two plates of food and a jar of his drink. I mutter a thanks and check the greenies pulse again. "How is he?" Gally asks taking a bite of his sandwich. "Not so good, his pulse is slow and temperature is rising." I say slumping a bit, not in the mood to eat anything. "I have a strong feeling that that's not a sign of recovery." He says pointing to the boy who is now starting to seize.

"Goddamnit!" I almost shout, jumping up and turning him to his side. "Give me your shirt!" I say not looking back. "I-" Gally starts to try and protest. "Now, Gally!" He takes his shirt off and hands it to me. I put it under his head and start counting. "Go to my basket and get a sheet of paper that doesn't have writing on it. There should be some off the side of it." I say turning the boy back onto his back 1 minute and 39 seconds later, the seizure having ended. "Uh- yeah, yeah okay. Do you want or need anything else?" He asks handing me paper and a pencil. I shake my head and offer a small smile to him. "Thanks but no, I'm gonna stay in here tonight, I can't afford him to have another one while I'm not in here." I say softly, taking a clean rag and wiping the drool that came out of his mouth. Gally nods and gets comfortable again, clearly not intending to leave. I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh, feeling strangely content in the moment.

The greenie shuffles in the cot and Gally nudges me awake, "Shit, sorry." I say getting up from his side. "Nothing to apologize about, Doc. Everyone needs sleep at some point." He chuckles groggily. I walk over to the greenie and check his pulse again. "How long was I out?" I ask walking back to my cabinet and grabbing the boys paper. "Only about an hour." He says softly, leaving the tent. I write his heart rate down and get up to grab some more clean water. "I'll be right back." I say softly, rubbing his head.

Kneeling down by the watering hole, I fill my bucket and stand. "Hey, how's the greenie doing?" Zart comes jogging over to me. "Still unconscious, not much that I can tell you about until he wakes up." I walking away with the bucket. "Doc!" I'm only halfway to my tent when Winston runs up to me with Trevor over his shoulder. "What the fuck happened?" I say motioning for him to follow me to the tent. "He fell? I don't know I just... I found him like this." Winston scrambles for words. "Never mind that. Set him down here and go grab his pillow." He nods and jogs out of the tent. "These boys will be the death of me." I whisper, checking Trevor's injuries. "Alright no broken bones, probably dehydrated. Not that big of a deal then." I mutter to myself writing on his paper.

"Lunchtime." Gally walks in with three plates this time and hands one to me and sets one down on the table beside where Trevor lays with an IV in his hand. "What's that?" He asks referring to his liquids. "He was dehydrated, guess that's pretty easy to do here. Needs liquids in his system." I say taking a bite of my food. "What about him?" He asks pointing to the greenie. "I still have no idea. It's really starting to bother me." I say shifting my weight a little.

I get up to check on him again and as if on cue he starts to stir. "I'm going to go get Alby." Gally says getting up from his seat. "Don't you dare! He needs rest and we both know Alby will try and shove him into work sooner than possible." Gally looks reluctant but nods anyhow and sits back down, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Thank you." I say softly, turning back to the boy.

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