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"Hey I think I want to try out Clint with you today." Alby walks into my tent without warning at fucking five a.m. "Leave before I throw your ass into one of the walls and watch you fall." I mumble into my pillow. "We both know you love me." He says sitting down on the bed by my feet. I flip him off while rolling over. "Questionable." Alby laughs and saunters out, probably to bother newt. Why the hell is he so chipper so damn early? Or even at all?

    I walk out of my tent and towards the dining area. A series of, "Morning Doc!" hit me like a wave. I mumble a confused hi to everyone and make my way to Fry and Gally. "Okay, what the actual fuck is going on?" I ask looking around to the rest of the boys. Fry turns around and smiles at me. "Nothing special Shortstack." He says turning back around. "Oh fuck you Fry. We both know that there has to be something going on with them. They never spare me a glance!" I say hitting his shoulder. "That is not true! We all love you." Gally says from behind me. "Mhm" I respond with an arched eyebrow.

     "Heya At, Alby told me I'm working with you today?" Clint asks walking into my tent. "Well I guess that depends on how many of these boys are numbnuts today." I say turning my attention to the boy. He awkwardly laughs and wonders over to me. "Do you need me to like run any errands or something?" He offers, kicking the dirt. "Uh, actually yes. There's a tent by the homestead that has all of the supplies that comes up with the greenies see if you can get Gal to help you bring in some of the boxes with medical supplies." Clint nods and walks out of the tent. I sit down on my hammock and sigh, not really sure what to do. Paige? that annoying little voice in my head starts to bug me now that I'm not doing anything Why do you remember the name? Was she your sister? A friend?Enemy? ...Mom? The tent opens again, interrupting my thoughts.

"Jesus fuck! What happened?" I ask looking at my little brother and Zart hanging off of his shoulder with a gardening tool sticking out of his shoulder. "I-I don't know! I came back from getting soil and I found him like this!" Newt says looking from me to Zart's unconscious form. "Well lay him in the cot." I say walking the entrance of the tent.

    "Clint! Hurry up!" I yell, "Newt. Out. Go get Gally and Clint." I say pointing to the tent opening. "Fucking Christ Z." I mutter trying to figure out how the hell he even managed this. "Gally! For fuck sakes get in here! Clint bring water!" I yell again. "I'm really sorry." I whisper grabbing the tool and a rag. "This is gonna hurt likes bitch when you wake up." I say yanking the tool out of his shoulder and putting the rag there.

    "Ga- oh you're here." I say turning around to see Gally looking sick. "Are you-" he cuts me off by turning away from the tent and puking. "Oh toughen up." I say looking back to Zart. "Get me the needle and thread." I say over my shoulder as Clint comes into the tent. "Here's the water." He says putting the bucket down beside me and grabbing the Needle, thread, and lighter. "Thanks, now keep steady pressure right here." I say as he puts his hand where mine was.

  I thread the needle and heat it up, not worrying about numbing it since he's already knocked out. "Scoot over." I say softly, as I moved the rag. "Pour some of this over it." I hand the alcohol to Clint and he pours it over the wound evenly. "Good job, now if he starts to wake up this is gonna hurt like a bitch for him." I say the last part addressing Gally as well. "I'm gonna need you two to hold him down while I finish the stitches if he wakes up." I say pouring the water over his shoulder and drying it off. "Now I'm gonna start and try to be fast. Only hold him down if he starts waking up." I say as Gally walks over to the other side of him.


    Cleaning up the tent, I look over to Gally. "You good?" I ask looking between him and the still unconscious form of Zart. "Uh, yeah. Just...ew." I laugh and return to putting everything back in its place. "Can you dump this out in the deadheads?" I ask handing Clint a bucket. "Uh- where?" He asks looking totally dumbfounded. "Right, Gally, show him there for me please." Gally nods and the two walk away. I finish putting everything away and go out to the kitchen.

    "Fry." I say dragging out the y in a singsong voice. "How was your day?" I ask jumping up and sitting on the counter. "Boring as shuck." He says with a chuckle, putting away the last of the silverware. "How about yours?" He asks leaning against the counter opposite of mine. "It was okay. Only one patient today." I say with a shrug. "Who?" He asks. "Zart. He got a gardening tool stuck in his shoulder. He's in the tent now." I say gesturing to the door. He looks a bit worried but forces a smile. "He's fine. Don't worry I got him all stitched up. Put his arm in a sling." Fry nods and grabs a banana out of the cabinet. "Here." He says throwing it at me. "You never come in here without wanting food." I laugh and don't even bother trying to say that's it's not true. "Thanks." I say taking a bite of the fruit.

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