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         The box is coming up with the greenie at some point today. "Gally, what's up?" I ask looking around his little building area. "Nothing really,  just getting ready to make a few tweaks to the homestead." He says leaning on one of the benches. "What do you think the greenies job will be?" I ask jumping up and sitting beside him. "Probably a slopper, maybe a trackhoe. What do you think?" He asks looking towards the box. "I'm not sure, maybe a slicer, if he isn't too pussy." Gally arches am eyebrow at me, "aren't you the one who basically cursed Alby out for suggest you be a slicer?" He asks with a smirk. "No! I accidentally cursed him out trying to explain that I wouldn't." I try to defend myself. Gally merely laughs and jumps down, ruffling my hair.

    "I'm going to kill you." I say getting off the bench. "Oh yeah?" He asks standing so he's about a foot away from me. "I'd like to see you try." He mutters, ruffling my hair again. "Bye now!" He says starting to run away. I jump off the the bench mans start to run after him. "Oh shit." I say, trying to regain my vision, that's went all fucking fuzzy but instead I lose my footing.

    "Athena. Athena!" I open my eyes, looking around then tent. "W-what is it? What's wrong?" I ask looking up at Gally. "You passed out. He's been spastic." Newt says from his spot beside me. "I what?" I ask going to sit up. Clint pushes me back down by my shoulder. "Don't sit up yet. You've got low blood sugar, try to move to fast you'll pass out again." He says, checking my vitals. "I'm fine, Clint. You're doing great but I'm fine." I say going to sit up. "Gally." He says not looking up from my paper. "Sorry." Gally says pushing me back down by the shoulder. "Really Gal? I'm fine!" I say trying to get up again. This time getting a little lightheaded. "Okay. If it makes you guys feel better I'll stay down for a minute." I say, giving up the fight against Gally. "Thank you." Newt says with a shit eating grin. "Wipe that fucking smile off your face before I have Gally do it for you." I say, smirking a little at both the boys red ears.

"Here." Clint says handing me a bowl of fruit. "Eat these it'll help with raising your sugar." I'm the one who taught you that, you little shit. "Thanks, Clint. You're doing really well, you did great with Zart's sling too." I say, taking the bowl from him and sitting up, slowly this time.

     "You sure you're okay?" Gally asks as we walk over to the box. "I'm fine Gal, it was nothing serious." I say pushing him a little. "Are you sure? I can do the tour myself." He says coming back like a fucking boomerang. "Yes! Gally I'm okay to give the tour. If you're really that worried you can do it with me." I reassure him, sitting down on a log. He nods and sits on the ground next to me. Mama bear much? I smile a little bit at Gally's worried expression. "It's not funny! You could've been hurt, At." He says pouting. "Okay! Sorry, dad." I say trying to hold back a laugh. He merely rolls his eyes at me and leans back into my legs.

   Sirens sounding, feet trampling the grass, laughing boys ready to torment the new greenie. Here we go again. "Gal, wake up. The box is coming." I mutter nudging him with my foot. He sits up and looks over to the box. "We still have like five minutes." He says leaning onto my leg. "Fine, you get three. Then I have to go get the Greenie." I say patting his head. "I'm not a dog, woman." He grumbles tilting his head away. "You know you love it." He shakes his head a little and leans it back so he's looking up at me. "Shank." He says elbowing my thigh. "Is that just your favorite word?" I ask leaning over a bit. "Maybe." He makes a face at me, getting up. "Let's go meet the greenie."

     "Move your asses!" I half shout, pushing my way through the teenage boys. "Damn, tiny. You have an attitude today." Zart says with a smirk. "Oh fuck off curly fry." I say with a small shove to his side.

    Jumping into the box I look around. What the hell? Is he- he's playing with the pigs! This is amazing. "Hey greenie, time to come out." I squat down beside him and look at the baby pigs. "They're better than people aren't they?" I ask stroking one of their heads. "Yeah, they are." He says turning his head towards me. "Where the hell am I?" He asks bringing a knife to my side. Woah then okay...

"Okay, look I really don't want to hurt you so, put it down. We're in the Glade, I know you're scared. We've all been there before but they're gonna put you in the pit if they see that blade pointed at me." I mutter softly. The greenie raises an eyebrow at me. "You don't want to hurt me?" He asks, his eyes flashing to the blade. "You have fire, I'll give that much. But in three seconds that blade best be somewhere other than where it is right now." I warn one last time. The boy merely chuckles, keeping eye contact with me as he moves the knife up further. That's enough of this. I grab the dull side of the blade and turn it so it's in on him. "Now drop it before I break your wrist." I say, adding a little pressure in the right spot. "Fine, fine!" He says letting go of the weapon. "Good, I'm Athena. Everyone calls me Doc." I say holding out my hand for him to shake, which he takes. "I have no idea what my name is."

   "So this is where the slicers keep the animals until they have to, y'know slice them." Gally says as we walk past the pens. The greenie shoots me a what-in-the-actual-fuck look. I elbow Gally in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?" He whines looking like a sad puppy. "You're making the poor thing uncomfortable." I say referring the the boy behind us. "Oh shut up. I am not, right?" He asks the now extremely confused and unsure greenie behind us. He just shakes his head meekly. Guess he's not so tough after all. "See?" He asks turning back to me. I really do have to teach him at least SOME way of picking up signals. "Okay, Gally can I talk to you for second?" He nods and looks toward the Greenie. "The blonde British one. Go fuck with him for a bit. Ask if he likes watermelon, or the color red." He says as the boy walks off. "We really suck at this." I laugh walking over to the pen. Gally chuckles behind me and nods. "Yeah, Yeah, we kinda do."

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