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"Have you seen Gally? I haven't had sight of him since he helped with Zart." I ask one of the other builders, Zach I think his name is. "No, sorry he just kind of disappeared." The boy shrugs as he slouches back into the log. "Oh, okay." I say walking away. "At!" I hear Fry yell for me as I walk towards the deadheads. I stop and look towards him. "What's up Fry?" I ask looking around, still trying to spot Gally. "Will you help me with dinner, please?" He borderline begs me. I sigh lightly and nod. "Yeah. No problem." I say lightheartedly as possible. "Great!" He says taking my hand and dragging me back to the kitchen.

     Two hours pass and I help Fry clean up the kitchen while he dishes out food. "You ready?" He asks looking at me while I dry my hands. "Yeah." I yawn taking my plate from his hands and going over to our log. "Minny! Welcome back." I say sitting down and visually assessing him for injuries. "You can stop y'know. I didn't get hurt today." He quips, rolling his eyes. "I can never be too sure with you." I sigh leaning my back against the log.

      I scan the area and notice that Gally and Newt are both still nowhere to be seen. "Have any of you seen Gally or Newt?" I ask Zach, Fry, and Minho. All I get is a collective, suspicious no from each. I roll my eyes and shrug, too exhausted to care. "Then he can't blame me for missing dinner." I mutter to myself.

     "Hey, Z. How ya feeling?" I ask walking into the room. "Like my arm is being ripped off and stitched back on but the holes left from the old stitches are infected and being poked with hot metal every ten seconds." He groans, rolling onto his good side to look at the door. I try not to laugh, taking his vitals and checking that the wound isn't infected. "You'll be out of here in the morning. I'm going to have you wear a sling and you'll be off work for a few weeks." I say, helping him sit up. Zart nods and looks around the tent. "I've not actually been in here myself. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be." He notes. I laugh a little and unhook his iv. "Ow!" He whines. "Don't be a baby." I say throwing the needle away.  I walk out of the med-tent and walk over to mine, getting changed for the night and laying in my makeshift bed.

    "At!" I groan, rolling over. "Not now." I mumble into my pillow. "Athena!" Gally says in a hushed tone again pulling me up by my arms. "Noooo!" I whine trying to pull away. "Too bad." He says checking the time. "C'mon." He picks me up beneath my knees and behind my back. "I hate you." I mumble, still too tired to try and fight him. "No you don't." he replies with a smirk I can just hear in his voice. He walks us through the glade and makes a few stops whispering to other people about God knows what. "Will you please just fucking tell me where we're going?" I ask, now fully awake. All I receive is a chuckle from him and the other boy. "We should start then." He says taking off again.

    "You can put me down." I say semi softly. "Nope." He says drumming his fingers my thigh. I sigh and slump down a little bit. "Close your eyes." He says stopping again. I close my eyes, "okay, can I ask why?" I ask. "Nope." Fry this time. "When the fuck did you get here?" I ask. "I've been here the whole time, I'm just quieter than you my dear friend." I stick my finger up in the direction of his voice earning chuckles from them both.

"Here, I'm going to put you down now but don't open your eyes yet." Gally says after about fifteen minutes of walking. I nod my head as he gently lowers me to the ground, my feet making contact with leaves and sticks. "Pick your foot up for a second." Frypan says. I pick up my left my left foot and he slips some kind of shoe on it, and then the right one. "There." I hear Gally a little ways alway in front of us. One of them take my hand and lead me further. "Open." Gally says from right in front of me. I open my eyes and see nothing but him. "Uh Gally?" I ask referring to him blacking my vision. "Oh! Right." He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck and moving to the left.

He completely transformed our place in the woods. Fairy lights are illuminating the ceiling and walls that are now reinforced and there are new chairs everywhere. "Wow. Gally I- when?" I ask looking around at what used to be the makeshift hut in woods. "All day yesterday and most of the night." Frypan answers. "Happy birthday, shortstack." Gally says softly. "Happy what?" I ask turning around to look at Frypan. "How the fuck did you remember and I didn't?" I ask, knowing it was him who told Gally. "I didn't, it was Newt who told us." He says ruffling my hair. "Wait a damn minute! Is this why you've been keeping me preoccupied all day?" Fry pan laughs walking away, probably to get some sleep. "Yep!"

A/N a mixture of these two is about what the hut looks like now, like the top ones aesthetic but the bottom's roof and light wall thingy

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A/N a mixture of these two is about what the hut looks like now, like the top ones aesthetic but the bottom's roof and light wall thingy.

A/N a mixture of these two is about what the hut looks like now, like the top ones aesthetic but the bottom's roof and light wall thingy

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"Okay, it's officially your birthday." Gally says from beside me, looking at the clock he stole from the kitchen. I want to hug him. But what if he thinks it's weird? He's my best friend! He won't think it's weird...right? You never know. What if he never talks to you after this? He basically just made me a house. He's going to talk to me. He might not if you hug him! No he won't! Now shut up. Rude. My contradicting thoughts never seem to know when to shut their traps. I just want to be here, in this moment with my best friend.

"Thank you, Gal. This is amazing." I say twirling around and gesturing with my hands. "Its nothing. I'm just glad to see you smile." He says walking over to me. Fuck it. I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He doesn't hug me back for second. Fuck fuck fuck but then he wraps his arms around my torso and almost lifts me off the ground. "Thank you." I mutter into his chest. I don't think either of us wanted to let go, so we didn't. We stayed there for lord knows how long.

"I have one more thing for you." Gally says unraveling me from his arms. "You really didn't have to. I mean you basically built me a house!" Gally laughs a little, walking into said hut and grabbing something from a basket. "I think you'll like this." He says turning around and presenting me with a bottle of pineapple vodka. "You're amazing!" I laugh taking the bottle from his hands and giving him a short hug. "C'mon, let's get drunk off our asses to celebrate my best friends birthday." He says walking over to a cushioned bench. I sit on the other side of it and he opens the bottle. "First swig?"

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