Chapter 8

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Watashi No Ai


I stopped walking right here on the hallway of our canteen when I saw Yeji all alone, but this time she has her earphones on because her Dad gifted her phone on her 10th birthday. When will my Mom even do that? I'm sick of that kiddie phone with annoying sound.

I casually walks in the canteen. It's already 2 pm so it's probably her vacant class that's why she's here.

Surprising her from behind, I sat beside her. Her gaze quickly drew to me and she automatically closed the book she's reading that I didn't notice earlier.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked, stuttering that made me confused.

"I'm skipping class because Lip and Yena were absent." I stated before resting my head on the table. I tilted my head and looks at her, "what are you reading, Yeddeong-ah?" I curiously asked.

Yeji's eyes became shaky that made me more confused. I tried touching the book she's holding but she kept it away from me by moving it on the side where my hand couldn't reach.

"That's nothing.." she murmured.

Is she...

Is Yeji reading a book with two person kissing in bed???

Wow...she's too young for this. Can I ask her that? I'm afraid she might get shy tho...

She's probably reading that kind of thing that's why she looks embarrassed now.

"Is that a fairytale book?" I asked while looking at her. I eventually placed my head on top of my forearm to keep myself comfortable.

"Y-Yeah...about vampires..." Yeji stated.

"What's wrong then? You don't look so comfortable about that." I mumbled.

"'s because..." Yeji paused by looking down.

Hah! I knew it. She's reading that kind of book.

"It's because the protagonist was in love with a girl..." she said that's why my inner me screamed.

Why would I even think about the kissing thing?

"Because the protagonist is male?" I asked.

"N-No, she's a female and she's in love with a woman too.." she almost whispered.

" can read that kind of book? You like that kind of book?" I curiously asked. I wanted Mom to buy me story books wherein a princess marries a princess too but she said it doesn't exist. Mommy's liar.

"When me and my Mom went shopping last time, she told me to get any books I want and this book caught my attention." she said and this time she's smiling already. Maybe she felt relieved.

"What's the title?"

Even if I know the title I couldn't buy it anyway. I don't have money for it and I don't like reading novels because it's so long...if I spend my time reading novels then I couldn't play around all day. Besides I just wanna ask her questions so we can talk more.

"The Immortals," Yeji answered.

"What's the name of protagonist? She must be lovely like Ariel...or Belle.." I murmured.

"She's Joanne and she fell in love with Lucy halfway of the story but Lucy was part of a clan that haunts those immortals which is the so called vampires..." I keep my eyes staring at her as she continues her story. She really seemed to enjoy what she's reading to the point that she's being talkative already, "well I still got a lot of chapters to read and I don't know what will happen if Joanne finds out that Lucy was part of that clan tho..."

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