It's Q&A Time~(' ꒳' )♡ And Get To Know The Author!

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Time for the Q&A♡

So I have collected questions from you guys so far and now I'm gonna answer them here!

Let's start, shall we~?


Q1. What inspired you to become a writer?

A: Hmm.... Well I started using Wattpad last year because I wanna read fanfictions and then I noticed there's not a lot of seme harem for Naruto and even though there is some, they were either discontinued or Naruto ended up choosing one. Soooooo that's when I decided to make one myself!! ◕ᴥ◕


Q2. Why or how or what is the inspiration of your first book 'He's just too cute'?

A: Lol, actually it's pretty random. Last year in March, I rewatched Ouran Highschool Host club and Maid sama and found the idea of adding them into my plot. It's pretty obvious AHAHAHA!


Q3. What is your favourite animal?

A: There's A LOT! I'm a sucker for animals(`^ ´)! But if I have to choose.... DOGS! They're too cute UwU


Q4. What is your favorite food?

A: Japanese foods! Sushi, ramen, tempura, dangos.... I've got a list of them! For sweets, Ice cream, cakes, mochi and a lot more!


Q5. Who is the person you ship with Naruto the most?

A: To be honest, although I ship Naruto with pretty much all the male characters but I love ShikaNaru the most♡

1st: ShikaNaru
2nd: NejiNaru
3rd: ShinoNaru
4rd: SasuNaru/GaaNaru
5th: ItaNaru
6th: KibaNaru
7th: KakaNaru

I'll stop for now lololol.


Q6. Your favourite color?

A: Pastel colors! It's pretty soothing to look at.


Q7. Are you always online?

A: You mean here on Wattpad or...? If Wattpad, I'll stop by everyday to check the notifications! Cuz you guys love commenting a lot ∑(O_O;) There's a time when I woke up, I got like 200 notifications...

(Update 3rd April 10:53 pm: I just finished work and opened Wattpad again to see there's 300 notifications thank you very much😂)


Q8. How old are you?

A: 19.... All the reader chans that I spoke to are all younger than me QwQ Boohoo。゜゜(´O') ゜゜。


Q9. How did you discover Wattpad?

A: Oooo~ I was searching for fanfictions to read and then I stumbled across Wattpad! I was curious so I downloaded it and started my Wattpad journey :D

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