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Jasper smiled as he had a deed to the cabin he found for him and Nevaeh. He really loves her and wanted this spot to be for them. A get away or a place to live together in. She was his everything and where ever he goes, she goes. That's how he put it and that's how she sees it.

Nevaeh walked downstairs and smiled as she saw Jasper and Charlie talking. "Hey." She said as she walked over to him. "Are we ready?"

"Yeah. Esme packed us a basket."

Nevaeh smiled as she had needed to thank her even though Esme didn't have to do this. "Let's go."

Charlie shook his head as he watched the two walk out smiling. He was glad to have the Nevaeh he raised was back.
"Jasper, where are we going?" She asked as he put her on his back.

"You'll see." He said. "Just hold on tight."

Nevaeh nodded and held on as he sped off. She was confused as to why they were going through the woods. Jasper couldn't wait till they get there. This place was something he thought would be perfect for her. He stopped making Nevaeh was shocked. "Jasper?"

"I found this while hunting and I know the history behind this." Nevaeh looked at him wanting to know more. "A couple who wanted to escape reality settled here and built them a cabin. The husband was murdered one day when he was out shopping leaving his pregnant wife. She didn't know she was pregnant, but the owner told me that after she gave birth she died."

"Oh that's sad."

"Yeah, but their son thought of it as a wonderful story. He said he wished he got to know them, but he said that he was glad they reunited and soon he will be with them and his wife."

Nevaeh felt Jasper wipe her tears not knowing she had been crying. "Why are we here then?"

"He was selling it and I just so happen to find it while hunting, but he thought I was walking." He said. "He asked if I had someone that I loved and I told him yes. I also told him you went through something traumatic and he knew you. Said that Charlie would come to him for advice of what he should do to help you sleep again."

"That's why I came here a year early."

"Yes." Jasper said. "He asked if I would like to buy this house and I said yes."

"A get away and a home for us." She said. "Oh Jasper I love it."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her. They pulled apart and looked at the house smiling. Now they have to wait till graduation and everything will be set.

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