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Nevaeh smiled as she was cleaning the house. A knock on the door caught her attention making her go see who it is. Opening the door, there stood all the Cullens and two unfamiliar faces. "Hi."

"Can we come in?" Jasper asked.

"Sure." Nevaeh said as she moved out of the way. Jasper stood by her side as everyone walked in. "Excuse the house, I was in the middle of cleaning and wasn't expecting visitors."

"You're fine, Nevaeh." The motherly like woman said. "I'm Esme."


"Nevaeh, there is a reason why we came here." Nevaeh nodded as she sat down. Jasper inhaled as he knew this might change soon and he hopes this won't change nothing between them. "We're vampires."

Nevaeh walked over to Jasper and hugged him. "Thank you for telling me."

Esme and Carlisle sat down and talking to Nevaeh as they wanted to know the small human. Jasper stood beside her as each one got to know his mate.
That night, Nevaeh sat watching a movie with Jasper when Charlie came back. "Bella's coming." He tells her, but stopped when he saw Jasper.

"Daddy, this is Jasper Hale. Jasper this is my father, Charlie Swan."

"Good evening, chief." He said than looked at Nevaeh. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye." She said as he kissed her head and left. Nevaeh looked at her dad. "So Bella is moving here?"

"Yes." Charlie said. "She misses you."

"I miss her too." She said. "I guess Jasper has been keeping my mind off of things since I came here and I must have forgotten to call mom, Bella, and Phil."

"They knew it had something to do with a boy." Charlie said as he sat down beside his daughter. "Now, tell me exactly how long you and Jasper have been talking."

Jasper saw Alice skipping in happiness and looked at Alice. "Should I ask?" He asked as Alex sighed.

"Nevaeh's sister is important to Edward." Alex said.

Jasper sighed as he knew that something about that didn't settle well. He will just have to wait and find out.

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