Boys in my house?

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Elas pov

"Bianca!" My Mother screams. Her voice screeching, and crackling, through the phone.

"I didn't do anything!" I defend out of habit. My voice defensive, and love. One of my hands raising up, & I surrender motion.

"I haven't even accused you of anything!" Mother groans. Her right hand is probably massaging her temple.

"Sorry, habit." I apologize quickly. My voice wavering, my hands slightly shaking.

"Anyways, as I was saying! Your brother wanted me to tell you, he'll be there in six hours, so six o'clock okay?" Mother informs me, like a parrot.

"Okay, are his friends going to be here before him?" I Inquire. My voice calm, and soft. Trying too not piss her off. Playing with my earring, to keep calm."

"Yes! Well I go to go now honey! Love you bye! Sweet dreams!" Mother finishes the call. Hanging up before I could reply.

" love you too." I whisper, gently. a tear trickling down my cheek, before I could wipe it away.

Before I knew it I was in my room crying, not being able to stop made it worse, and soon enough I had a migraine. I hated how my mom made me feel. But at the same time, she let me know she still loved me.

"Hey Ela! You okay?" Harry calls out. He sounds sincerely concerned, which makes me want to cry.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just got off the phone." I lie. The guilty feeling, eating at me.

"You sure? You don't sound okay." Harry continues to drill me. (Repeatedly ask me)

"Yah, I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute." I reassure Harry. Wanting to come down and change.

"Okay... I also thought I'd let you know, Zayn will be here in an hour or so." Harry tells me. As he fades down the hallway, slowly in case I'm actually not okay.

"Who would have thought a stranger could be so kind, when you haven't been." I thought to myself, smiling.

Getting off my bed, I throw on a pair of ripped jeans, and a comfy t-shirt. Putting my hair in a bun, I slip on some slippers and head downstairs.

As I descend down the stairs, I can hear a catastrophe happening in the kitchen. The sound of things falling, and pans banging, causes me to rush to the kitchen. Only to find what a bakery would look like, after a tornado passed through. What is left standing in the fog, is two boys covered in eggs, flour, and looking guilty.

"What did you do?" I scream. The place a a complete pigsty, after I cleaned it ever so carefully.

"We got into a little argument?" Harry answers, slightly questioning himself. His eyebrows creased, and his eyes downcasted in guilt.

Enjoy chapter 24!! Don't forget to vote comment and leave feedback. It's all greatly appreciated! -Anonymouser

Question of the chapter. a specific band you like.

Answer of the chapter. One specific band I like out of many, is Mayda Parade! Check them out some time, if you'd like.

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