Sass attack

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"You little what?" Derek asks Lana.

Derek is the football captain of our varsity team. He's sixteen and could be a player for the World Cup. He has long blonde hair that almost reaches his eyes, which are a dark cloudy is green color. His left arm has an arrow tattoo on his bicep. That lots of girls "swoon" over for some reason, and a lip ring that gives people, a reason or excuse to stare at his lips. You'll usually see him in jeans, and his football jersey. That pretty much sums him up.

"Oh you must have misheard me." Lana lies. As she bats her eyes.

"Well then, what did you say." Derek "plays" along. Ignoring her so called subtile moves.

"I was just telling Ela here how I love her little earrings." Lana quickly comes up with a lie.

"I'm not wearing any earrings" Ella quickly calls out Lana's lie. Smirking slightly to herself.

"Uhmmm, I, ahh." Lana stutters, trying to come up with a lie.

"Looks like someone lied to you." I tell Derek, holding back my laugh.

"Guess so, well see you at practice later Liam." Derek starts saying goodbye.

"Oh and nice meeting you Ela." Derek quickly adds in.

"You too." Ela replies as Derek starts to turn away.

"This is not over!" Lana shrieks.

"I think it is." Ela laughs turning around.

"Everyone to their seats." Mr Nor shouts walking into the classroom.

"Pull out your homework on page 375." Mr.Nor orders. Jumping right into the lesson.

I look over at Ela to find, her sitting quietly with her hand up.

"You know he'll never answer you?" I tell her. While Mr.Nor writes on the chalkboard.

"What do you mean?" Ela asks me, with a confused look on her face.

"He doesn't turn around until, he wants answeres." I inform her.

"Th-" Ela goes to reply, but I cut her off.

"Mr. Nor we don't have the sheets!" I shout.

"And why's that Liam?" Mr.Nor asks emphasizing my name.

"I've been home dealing with family issues, and Ela's new." I reply. A smirk across my face.

" Well then I guess, you and Miss?" Mr.Nor ask for Ela's last name.

"Ela like he said... Sir!" Ela replies.

"You know what I mean." The Professor spits . As the class laughs.

"Do I sir, do I?" Ela remarks.

"Missy you're on a thin line." Mr.Nor fumes.

"Can we get the sheet?" Ela inquires with a blank look.

"Not until I get your last name." Mr.Nor shouts.

"Well I guess will be here for a while." Ela retorts, crossing her arms.

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