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"FBI too?" I ask him chewing on my sweater string.

"Yeah, why?" Liam asks.

"There going to question me." I tell him, fiddling with my thumbs. "Don't get my wrong now, I'm all for tracking that jerk down, it's just I don't want to remember it all." I countinue, my breathing quickening as I feel my head going light. Everything around me started blurring together.

"What's happening?" I could slightly hear Liam ask.

But before I could hear the rest, I was out cold.

*3 hours later*

Waking up in my own bed, I look at my clock and realize it's five pm. I had woken up two hours earlier with, an oxygen mask on. It was weird, having oxygen sent into your body through a mask.

Shaking off thoes thoughts I slide of my bed, and into my wheelchair. Rolling out into the hallway, to find Liam in the guest room next to my room is definitely a surprise.

"Hey." Liam greets me, waving slightly.

"Hey." I copy him. Moving my hair, out of my face.

"I still can't believe your hair is orange." Liam tells me, running a hand through his hair.

You see Liam and I have been friends since I was born. Liams sixteen while I'm fifteen. We've had a special bond since day one, and while growing up it grew stronger, and stronger. We both have dirty blonde hair, well had since I now have orangish hair. While he has brown eyes, I have blue eyes that are dull for now (I hope). But the two things that separate us is the fact, I grew up without out my parents from age one, while his parents were there for him; and that my parents and his, have a little bit of a dark past with each other. So whenever they fight we have to sneak out to see each other; or are parents suck us into the fight, and feed us lies about each other. We do our best to ignore the lies, but when their constant it gets difficult. My parents would call me from diffrent states, just to feed me lies. At the start I thought it was out of love. But I soon learnt it, was out of their pathetic fued.

"Brooke?" Liam asks for my attention. As I like to explain it.

"My parents..." Liam starts, but stops as he soon starts crying.

"Liam, what happened?" I ask him generally concerned, as I wheel towards him.

"My parents kicked me out, and left on, that business trip, your parents went on." Liam explains, between breaths.

"Why'd they kick you out." I ask him, my eyebrows crease as I rub his back.

"It seemed like someone was ordering them, they did the same thing with the bank as your parents, and just left. Before that I was telling them, I was going to help you out with Aurora, and everything." Liam explains, his breathing calming.

"That's crazy!" I exclaim, his parents are way to loving.

"I know! What would have caused them to do that?" Liam asks, dragging his hands down his face.

"First you need to calm down, let's go make some dinner." I tell Liam heading towards the door, to only be stopped.

"Brooke." Liams harsh voice speaks, bringing back the day...

*Flashback* (Insert Tardis sounds)

"He'll turn on you. I'll make sure of it, I'll blackmail whoever I need to. " Ericssons voice spoke, no pity or remorse left.

*End of flashback* (Que Tardis sounds)

Gasping I look at Liam. Pain and guilt seeping through my body.

" Ericsson, he-he had said something about you turning against me, making sure of it, and blackmail." I tell Liam, my breathing shallows as I start crying. "I'm so sorry. I just remembered that it's been hard to get past, his eyes, face, and his hands around my throat." I finish, breaking down after.

Hey guys sorry I fell asleep, updating this. Next chapter or chapters in a couple days. How do you think Liam's going to react?

Peace out.


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