Give me time

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Brookes pov

It's been two weeks now, and after struggling to walk, I've finally got it under control. I know just have to work a bit more on running. But at least I can walk now, and only have to use a cane here and there. But all in all, I'm so happy to be out of that chair!

  Over these last two weeks I've dealt with, Aurora ask where are parents are. Why aren't they home, when are they getting back, and a lot more questions like that, it really sucks though. The fact that a girl at her age, has such neglecting parents. She should be happy, and coming home with a picture to show her parents. But instead she just comes home to me, and sometimes Cody, Liam, and I.

"Brooke, are you done your homework?" Aurora asks me, with pleading eyes.

  "Yes Aurora, I'm caught up with my school work, and a whole two months a head." I tell her, smiling brightly.

  It's a good thing my school puts are work, for the year up on the school website.

  "Yah! Can we go get ice-cream with Cody, and Liam then?" Aurora asks me, clapping her hands and jumping around.

"As long as the both agree!" I tell her standing up, as she runs out of the room. Shouting ice-cream, all the way down the hallway.

In the meantime, I got up and washed up, making sure I set a good example for Aurora.

  In the end, I put on a pair of black leggings, and a Fall Out band t-shirt on. To add some color I put on red converse, no matter how much they popped.

"BROOKE! BROOKE!" Aurora squeals. As she comes running into my room. Two tall boys chasing after her.

"HELP ME!" Aurora screams jumping into my arms, and burying her face into my shoulder, but peeking to catch a glimpse of the boys.

  "Aurora we're gonna get you! No matter how much you run!" The boys simultaneously say.

"Now, Now, Boys! You mustn't be mean to the Princess, you bow and be gentlemanly!" I state. Acting as if I was a Queen, or someone with power.

"Oh my, I'm very sorry. My Princess, please forgive me. We bow before you, are lovely Princess!" Cody begins saying, nudging Liam. As he bows, Liam following shortly after.

  Putting down Aurora, she goes and bonks both of the boys on the head, giggling.

"Hey that hurt!" Cody pouts, pretending to cry. While Liam just falls to the ground.


  At first I'm worried, but then I see him wink at me. Relaxing I smile as Aurora, goes to comfort them. Just for them to start tickling her like crazy.

  "STOP! STOP! I can't breath! It hurts!" Aurora pleads as she laughs, and cries.

  "Oh my, oh my! What do we have here? A attack of the tickle monster? Oh what shall we ever do?" I question. Joining in on the fun.

"Give me sometime to think, hang on. I know, will deprive them of treats. Will have all the ice-cream to ourselves!" I shout, cheering.

"NO!" The boys shout.

Aurora and I, then start tickling them. Laughter echos around, the empty walls of the house.

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