Monsters in the Mist

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Brookes pov

  As the police sirens increase, and the fire crackers go off, I start to become weary, and dizzy. The fog from the fire crackers filling my lungs, as I try to breathe to no avail. My eyes misting over, and my ears ringing as a try to catch my balance. failing to do so I fall to the ground, by lending anything but soft. The criminal off down the street, but not before he peeks inside to see his accomplishment. Grinning at me, he drops a letter in the garden outside the window. Is cheeky eyes, and his twisted smile scorching my eyes. He seemed so proud it drop that letter, as if it was his life for accomplishment never to be forgotten.

    The moment the police got to my house, the firecrackers started to cease. Leaving gray fog in their place, to suffocate me even more than they have. It felt as if I was breathing in smoke, or dust. As its slowly sends me into unconsciousness, my heart beat slowing and my lungs filling. As my eyelid slowly flutter closed, my door is kick down by the police. I don't see anything but I feel it, the police slowly pick me up... or was it the people from the ambulance, was there an ambulance. I feel myself being placed on something hard yet soft. It's very cold, and I can only guess it's  a stretcher.  the last thing I feel, for drifting off into complete nothingness, is a mask being placed on my face. I feel very terrified as I do. My heart beat is quick, my mind is frantic, my whole body is numb, yet I feel so much pain, and the last thing I see are those eyes. Those dark eyes looking at me with so much hate, as if I had done something wrong and they were happy to get revenge.


     As I slowly come to, I smell the smoke, the burning of my couch worn down from years in the family. I quickly scratch at my throat wanting air, craving it. I feel cool dry hands, try to pry my hands off my throat, and an alarm going off somewhere too close for comfort. A soft sound whispers whispers into to my right ear, saying. "Brooke it's okay. You're okay. No one's going to hurt you. I'm here now. Its me.... Your brother Derek. I'm here now Brooke! Please let go of you neck!" The pain and sorrow, in my brother's voice killing me.

  As I slowly let go of my neck, I breathe in my brother's sent. His scent warming me, bringing comfort and safety over for me, as if it was my safety blanket. Carefully opening my eyes, I look at my brother, my eyes filling with tears. He was really here. Standing in front of me is my beautiful brother.

   " Derek?" I croack. My voice griff and scratching my throat.

  "Here." is all he says, as he hands me a cup of water.

  Drinking it, I continue to stare at him as if I blink he'll disappear.

  "I'm not going anywhere." Derek gently states. Placing his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

  My big brother is finally back, and he came back for me. Not for anyone else, other than Aurora and I.


  Hope you enjoy this chapter. As you look further into Brooks life, and secrets are uncovered. Don't forget to vote, comment, and give feedback. Enjoy! -Anonymouser

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