Sorry Heart

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The End

Brooke's pov-

The beast stands before me. "Hello my pretty!" Ericsson laughs tapping his fingers together.

He looks different now, changed his look to stay safe. His hair is shaved. and brown, his face is covered in a beard. While his build his bigger with muscles, an he's clocked in baggy grey and black clothes.

"What do you want!" I snap, backing further against the seats.

"You. Dead. Maybe Alive. I haven't decided yet." Ericsson cackles. Pushing a piece of my hair, behind my ear.

"Leave me alone!" I growl. Slapping his hand away.

"Why should I?" He mumbles, chasing me like a predator chasing their pray.

"Because you don't own me." I hiss. Getting as far away as I can from him.

"Don't I though. I can manipulate you so easily." He sneers smelling my hair.

"No. You can't." I argue, pushing him away from me.

"Aren't you feisty now?" He laughs sitting down.

"Aren't you a dead man walking." I repeat twisting his words around.

"What would you know?" He sneers. Clenching his fist, as he glances at the door.

"Who are you waiting for?" I question. Fiddling with my phone, that hides in my pocket.

  "The people I've made a deal with." He chuckles. His eyes trying to shoot me down.

  "What kind of deal?" I inquire dialing 911.

  "They're going to take you some place, I can have my way with you." He snaps, slapping my face.

  His voice is criticizing, riping into my soul and tearing me open. I want to rip open his chest and tear him apart, wanting to tear his heart to shreds. My hands clench into fists, and my heart rate speeds up, beating quicker and faster with every moment.

  "That's kidnapping!" I shout, clenching my teeth, and biting my tongue to keep from screaming.

  "Who's going to stop me now? Your little boyfriend?" He replies, pouting his lips and pretending to cry.

  "Does it matter, who knows I'm on this train. Train 26, going to Ireland?" I ask, knowing he'll soon figure out what I'm going on about.

  "Does it matter who knows I'm Brooke Lilianth, and I'm sixteen years old? Or that a guy named Ericsson Drew, has/is kidnapping me?" I continue talking, as the police officer writes down the information. Talking to me through my headphones.

  "What are you up to?" He barks, watching me carefully.

  "We're on our way. We will stop the train in about ten minutes. Keep him talking, stall him. We will get you." The officer states, as my headphones are nipped from my ears.

"Nice try. But if they do, I'll just kill you." He laughs, pulling out a gun and pointing it at me.

"Don't do it Ericsson!" The officer demands.

  "Why shouldn't I." He laughs creeping to the door.

"You'll be charged for murder." The officer instructs.

  Time seems to slow down as Ericsson,  pushes on the emergency stop. I know what happens next, thing is I don't want to believe it. His hand appears to slowly rise, as he aims the gun at my heart. He waits what seems like hours, but is really seconds. Then as the train comes to a stop, throwing me to the side, he shoots. I'm hit somewhere in my side, but I don't pay attention to it. I simply watch as he jumps from the train, and runs off. Time begins again, as if it never stopped.

  The blood rushing from my side is gruesome, and I do my best not to think of it, as I put pressure on the wound.

"What's going on-Fuck! What happened here!?" The train driver I guess, exclaims. Looking at my wound and turning pale.

"Help." I whisper, my voice dim and slurred.

  As I'm slowly drifting into unconsciousness, Ela barges into the train. Her hair is a mess, and her beanie's practically falling off her face, she's also in her gym clothes.

  "Brooke! Shit Brooke! What happened?" Ela frantically shouts. Ripping off a majority of her crop top, her sports bra covering her boobs.

  "Shot...Ericsson." I gasp. Wincing in pain as she wraps, the fabric around my wound.

  "Fuck! Sorry. That just makes my blood boil." Ela rants, as she tries to keep me awake.

"The ambulance, will be here soon, okay? Just breath, stay calm, and don't speak. Fuck Brooke, you don't know how much I care about you do you? I love you. You're my sister!" Ela rambles, before covering her mouth.

I want to scream in denial, but I know it's true. My parents gave my twin up for adoption when I was born. Her name was Ela.

  "I need you to promise to keep care, of everyone okay? I'm not coming back. If I ever do come back, it will be by the will of God. Where I'm going isn't the best. But it will keep everyone safe. I know what's to be seen, it's just a blur right now, but I need you to remember. Remember who you can trust, that your worth it, you matter. Remember it all started with a struggle, and a fight. That's how it will end. But their will be much more death, unless we have anything to say. Remember, just Fucking remember love is the key." Ela sobs. I know this is goodbye and it breaks my heart. But I can't do anything...For Fuck sakes.

As I go to speak, the peramedics rush in, and Ela leaves. But before she does, she places a note in my hand, and kisses my cheek.

"Her name is Brooke, Brooke Lilianth Roe." Ela states, walking out of the train.

In that moment I realize, I might never see her again, that could have been that last time I ever see her breathing.

  I scream in agony, and then everything goes black.

        The end

  I hope you all like the book. There will be a sequel. What happened to Ela? Is Brooke going to be okay?


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