Chapter 2;Fancy seeing you here

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Chapter 2
Fancy seeing you here
Will's POV
As I closed the door I heard a loud thud. Those two are the craziest people I've ever met. I'm glad Blake showed me around, but tomorrow I'll have to ask some questions. I jumped in my Mercedes and turned on the radio only for a Layla's stupid Diseny radio to burst through. That kid loves her Diseny. I pulled out of the drive way and switched the radio to KZ 103.9. Shell-Shocked came through, I started singing right of the bat. This is the best song in the world. As the song All 'Bout that Base finished up I pulled into the cabin that I call home and cut the engine. I sat there and thought about what Blake had told me about Lettie.
"She's off limits." Off limits. Fine by me no girls ever seem to like me. I haven't had a girl friend since the 6th grade and I'm in 10th now! Self pity. I do a lot of that I don't mean to it just slips. Lettie though, I got a strange feel in my stomach when I saw her. Oh well. I got out and grabbed my gym bag, Iphone 6, and my basketball. Layla came running out of the house screaming with Mason nipping at her heels.
"Will!!! Save me!" Layla shrieked running behind me. I grabbed the little tan bulldog puppy up in my arms and carried him back inside laughing.
"Well thanks Layla I might need to go make sure I still have ears!"
"That's not the only thing you need to check."
"Oh really?"
"And what would that be?"
"Let me are 16 and you still ain't got a girlfriend!"
" Harsh much? What do you think Mason?" I said scratching behind his ears. He barked a puppy bark in response. " See! Mason still thinks I'm cool. Single rocks." I said high fiving Mason's paw. He licked my face and I sat him down. "So how was your first day at school?"
"Boring! With all caps!"
"Your only 8 and you talk like a 13 year old."
" least I'm not single."
" What? You aren't single?"
"And who is the unlucky guy and were is he from?"
"Ouch. Here and his name is...umm...oh I know Blake!"
I burst into laughter. Blake....oh that will be a fun conversion with Blake.
"Oh really and what's his last name?"
That caught my attention.
"Have you met my friend... Blake McCoy?" I asked trying to bite back a smile. Her cheeks turned rosy red and she darted upstairs.
"Hi hun. How was school?"
"Good. You know Blake? The kid I met at last years basketball camp? Yeah he goes here."
"Oh my goodness that's wonderful Will!"
"I know mom. I'm going to get changed then go to the gym. Blake says it's open 24 hours to all students."
"Ok hun. Be back before 12:00. Love you be careful. "
"Love you too I will." I kissed her cheek and hopped into my car. Mason was running around outside without anyone too watch him. I quickly jumped out of the and grabbed him running back inside" I'm taking Mason!"
And I'm off to shoot some hoops.
The ride was around half and hour and when I got there all the gym lights where on so I just walked right in and grabbed a ball. I had left Mason in the back seat because he was snorting like a mad man.
Thud thud thud
I heard from inside the gym. I was currently standing by the concession stand looking at the bathrooms.
Thud thud thud
I walked into the gym area and saw Lettie shooting free-throws Blake coaching her on her technic. But it was flawless.
"Hey Will!". Blake shouted, " Fancy seeing you here. What's up?"
"Oh nothing much just coming to clear my head."
" Cool bro." Lettie rolled her eyes at Blake's pitiful slang talk.
" Yeah so cool bro." Lettie shouting another shot.
Swish flawless
I busted into laughter and Blake's cheeks reddened.
I went to the opposite goal and began to shoot 3-throws swishing most of them. Not enough to sort through my thoughts though.
Beep beep beep
I rolled over and turned the clock of. I'm in deep need of a coffee. I pulled on some clothes and ran down stairs.
" Good morning sweetie. Will you go see if Layla is awake then feed Mason?"
"Sure thing mom."
After finishing that I grabbed a red velvet pop-tart and kissed moms cheek."love you!" I called as I ran out of the house and jumping in my car.
Ring ring ring! ring ring ring! your phone's ringing! Ring
Before the annoying ringtone could go on I answered the call with checking the Caller ID.
"Hey Will! This is Lettie. Blake made me call. Ouch!" she said after a smacking sound.
"You ok?"
"Oh me yep' Blake nope' he will be dead once I ended this call."
Oh save some butt kicking for me I thought
"Huh? uh-oh. Why did you call again?"
"Oh...Blake why did we call him?"
I rolled my eyes. I've only been here a week and I already know Lettie up and down.
"...Ok sure I'll ask. Hey umm do you think...what are you doing Friday night after the game?"
"Umm...I don't know let me check." I jumped out of the car and called after my mom,"MOM! What are we doing Friday night after my game?"
"Nothing dear! Why?"
"Let-Blake asked what I was doing. Hold up."
"Ok. Yeah. I'm free what's up?"
"Oh well it's a tradition for South High basketball to got to Pizza Hut then go crash at mine and Blake's place to watch a movie after a Friday night game. want to come?"
"Great! See you Tomorrow. Bye!" then the line clicked dead.
"Yeah. See you Tomorrow." I muttered
So that's the second chapter! Peoples let's see if I can get any followers
Or comments would be awesome

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