Chapter 14; What I wanted to see if it would end up like those clichés...

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Y'all like my plot twist???? I know CowBellRinger  was soooo excited about that ;) so this chapter is dedicated to her!!!!!
Chapter 14;
What I wanted to see if it would end up like those clichés
How could she do something like this?

She knows that he's my boyfriend she knows that I-

"Lettie? Lettie?!" I turned around realizing I was completely ignoring Graham,"Hey hey you okay?"

I looked up,"Yes. I'm fine." He raised an eyebrow in question," okay so I'm a little upset big deal I'll just text her later and ask her about it." He seemed to buy it so I slowed my pace down and walked into the kitchen where my phone was; the light was blinking and the counter was vibrating.

"Hi Blake" I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you!!" I groaned mentally.

"Where do you thank I am?"

"..." He mumbled something under his breath before he answered,"well Moma wants you home for dinner."

"I thought y'all were coming here?" He groaned so I dont push it,"Ight I'll be there," he told me to be there around 6 then we said our goodbyes and now me and Graham are watching Full House with Mason.

"It's 5:30 Lettie,"He just had to talk in the middle of my favorite part, why does he do these-"Lettie you know you still have to change?"

"Crap. Yeah okay." I run upstairs before he replies back and change.

"Alright let's go before Blake slits my throat." I laugh and jump in his car.
"I really shouldn't have even let you in,"

"Oh shut up and sit down," Blake salutes me and sits down in front of his huge plate of spaghetti,"Hey Cailey!" I smile at her.

"Her sis. What y'all been up too?" I sit down and Graham sits across from me, talking to Blake.

"Ah not much. Oh I need to talk to about something and someone" I whisper and glance at Graham. She gets the hint and turns to her spaghetti.


"So out of nowhere she just text him that?"


"Who does that?! How did she even get his number?"

"How should I know!"

"Well you should text her."

"What though!"

"I don't know but there has to be something." She picks my phone up and types something in before handing it to me. I gape.

"I can't say that!" She rolls her eyes and snatches my phone typing something different. She hands it back and I read it

Stay off of my boyfriend!

I quickly send it and within minutes she replies.

Jenny:I don't know what you mean?

Lettie: You know exactly what I mean! You boyfriend stealer!

Jenny: Um. I don't have a boyfriend? NOT talk to my boyfriend!

Jenny: oh look you know my name good job!

Lettie: So you did!

She didn't text back after that so I grumbled under my breath and showed Cailey and she rolled her eyes.

"M'kay this has gone to far." She got up and walked down stairs,"Blakieee" I groaned.

"Yes babe-oh..."I raised an eyebrow as I walked in,"Hey Lettie."

"Hello dear brother." I grin.

"Graham!" Cailey yells and I flinch.


"Do you have any idea how Jenny got your number?"

"Well no. The only girls I talk to are Lettie, you, Zoey, and one of my friends from basketball camp. But we haven't talked in a few months so I won't worry about her." I narrow my eyes.

"What's her name?"


"Oh. Last name?"


"Blair Tyler. Isn't that the post player for Mabel high school?" I turn to Cailey.

"Yeah she's the girl that made me pop my wrist, for 4 weeks I was out."

"I thought I remembered her from somewhere"

"Do you have her number still?"

"Well yeah." He handed me his phone and I grabbed mine from Cailey and typed it in.

"This chick will hear from me. Cailey where's our next game?"

"North High."


"What I wanted to see if it would end up like those clichés."

"Of course you did." She rolled her eyes and Graham smiled.
A short chapter for CowBellRinger!!!! Hope you like it! It's short but it's something!

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