Chapter 17;I was afraid I would break her too

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Chapter 17;

The truck hit Layla's side, we spun a few times before hitting the lamppost and stopping on impact.

Somewhere during the hit Layla had screamed.

"Layla! Are you okay!??" She coughed and looked up. My eyes started to tear up, she had a cut above her right eye and he lip was swollen, other than that she looked okay,"Oh my gosh, Layla. We have to get you to a hospital," I dug around trying to found my phone.

Finally I grabbed it an dialed 911.
I sat there worrying. Graham hadn't called me at all. I didn't even see him after school. It's 9:00 pm. Usually Graham's over here doing homework with Blake while me and Cailey talk.
This Monday is different though. Cailey went home early because her mom called and Blakes in the living room watching American sniper. I would go in there and watch it with him but I didn't do my homework because I was worried. I just hope he's okay. If he isn't o-I can't feel my face with you, but I love it. I snatched my phone from my bed side table and answered it right away.

"Lettie?" His voice was barely whisper. I had to strain my ears to hear it

"Yes Graham?" He sniffled," Graham what happened?"

"It happened so fast, my phone rang and I looked down and then...and then..."

"It's okay it's okay. Where are you?"

"First Baptist hospital."

"I'm coming."

"Lettie, I-"

"I'll be there 10 minutes meet me at the door."

"Okay," he was whispering again.

I hung up. Rushing to my closet and throwing on my basketball tournament shirt and some shorts, I grabbed my phone and keys. Once I finally got in my car I rushed to the hospital, trying to forget all the thoughts entering my brain.
Beep beep.

My car doors locked as I hurriedly went inside, my phone pressed to my ear. 

"Graham? Graham?"

"I'm outside...."

"I see you,"

I hung up and ran to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here," he wrapped his arms around me and a small sob escaped his lips.
I hugged her so tightly I was afraid I would break her too. I didn't even notice when she told me to tell her what happened. My face was most likely stained with tear tracks, I hadn't dared look in a mirror.

Suddenly Lettie places a kiss on my lips and I sigh forgetting what had happened and focus on kissing her. She pulls away way to fast for me and I look down at her.

"Graham could you hear me now?" I thought for a minute before slowly nodding,"okay tell me what happened,"

I told her how I didn't come her house because of the things I had heard, about me heading home then having to go get Layla, how I felt like something had happened to Layla at school, then how my phone rang and I bent down to pick it up without realizing I had ran a red light. The whole while she sat nodding her head.

Once I was finished I sat down in one of the hospitals plush chairs. She was starring at the other side of  the room. My gaze drifted to a woman and a little girl sitting close to Lettie's gaze, the woman was hugging the child close and tears leaked from her eyes, the child was asleep.

"Holy crap" she whispered my eyes snapped to her. She looked at me, "where is she?" I closed my eyes.

"She' a coma."
Hehe!!! Don't happy!

Benjamin wilder is Lettie and Blakes Biological father--above🔼🔼

So guys I need more followers reads votes and comments!

No body likes a silent reader!!! Soooooooo


Thanks!! Luv you guys!

Bye for like a week!


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