Chapter 10;And Two Sweet Teas!!!

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Hello this is chapter 10

Sorry I don't really feel like writing happy sentences.

Ironic this is supposed to be a happy happy chapter

AND I've made through 10 chapters!!

I'm just really tired.

Being the sunshine is tiring*yawns* well here's chapter ten!*yawns again*

Excuse grammar mistakes
Chapter 10; And Two Sweet Teas!
Graham's POV

"A McChicken...Homestyle...with fries and a...Oreo McFlurry...medium" Lettie ordered I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"And you sir?"

"I'll have a Big Mac with Fries and an m&m McFlurry."

"Is that all?"

"And two sweet teas!" Lettie jumps in and I laugh at the cashier'a face.

"That's all."I add eyeing Lettie with a grin.

"That'll be 10:78 sir." (a/n I don't really know how much it will be)

I hand them a ten and a dollar telling them keep the change and she hands me our number and I walk to fill our drinks.

"You know I think this could count as a first date..." Lettie says and I laugh.

"Lettie this is McDonalds. Not a date place." She smiles and her cheeks turn pink.

"I was just saying."

"Come on let's sit down."

"Ooh can we have one with the games? I could totally beat you in basketball." She says teasingly

"Oh you're on." I say sitting down at a booth and sipped my drink wait for the lady to call out 342.

"340!"the lady calls out and a woman with ties and tennis shoes walks up and grabs her fruit yogurt.

"343!" A man talking to a Bluetooth piece walks up and nods his thanks.

"How long does it takes." Lettie mumbles and a grin tugs at my lips.


"See patience is the key." I tell her laughing as I walk up and grab our food.

"Hahaha. what a charmer." she moans as she bites into her McChicken. I burst out laughing,"What? Oh Eat your fat why don't you." she says referring to my Big Mac. I stick my tongue out at her a take one of her fries,"hey! That's mine!"

"How bout that basketball game?" I ask looking at the tablet on the side taping the basketball one and picking my color team.

"Yeah Imma beat tail. Yours in particular."

Laughing I hit play and popped some of my fries in my mouth.


"So do you have car?"

"Yes I do it's a purple/blue dodge charger."

"Where's it at?"

"The shop I'm getting a new exhaust put in."

"So that's why you've been riding with Blake in his Porsche."

"Oh gosh that yellow thing good jeez." I laughed as I turned on to her road.

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