Chapter 19;my present is going to whoop tail

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chapter 19;My tail is going to whoop tail
"No your eyes have to be closed," I laughed as Lettie groaned,"sorry babe, but my present is going to whoop tail."

"Yeah yeah it better."

I stopped the Carib front of the shelter, I smiled as Lettie was smiling brightly, because I had stopped,"okay you can take-" she ripped her bandana off her eyes and looked up. She screamed and hugged me,"off the bandanna, so?"

"Oh my gosh Graham are you getting me a puppy?" I nodded and she jumped out the car and ran inside. Laila woke up yesterday, and they said she would be fine in a few days, that she just needed to rest and heal.

"Hi ma'am how can I help you?" The lady asked her voice thick with the southern accent.

"I'm looking for a puppy," Lettie said smiling so big I was sure the lady was being blinded by letties white teeth.

"Any idea of how old? Breed? Gender?" She typing away on her computer. Lettie looked at me.

"Get whatever you want."

She grinned and turned to the lady,"I want a puppy, but I want it to be around just a month or two old, I don't care about the breed, and gender....male."

"Okay ma'am come right over here," she walked to a door that had 'puppies' written on it and opened it. All the puppies started to bark and yip. Happy someone was here to play.

Lettie went around looking at all of the puppies, putting her hand up to the cage door and seeing if any would pay attention.

Many did but they soon got tired and laid back down. Suddenly Lettie stopped on a cage and held her hand up. A golden ball of fur started licking her hand and pawing at the door. "I want this one," she said. The puppy barked and Lettie laughed.

"Okay ma'am, let's get this little puppy ready to
Go," she walked out after grabbing the golden puppy and handing him to Lettie, she started to type away on her computer again,"so he is nearly two months old. He can eat dried dog food or canned. He needs to eat three times a day until he's five months old then just twice a day. Okay now who is paying?" I took out my wallet and she nodded,"okay ma'am you can go pick out a collar and a bed, free with the purchase." She smiled and walked over to the little talk asking the puppy questions.

"So puppy, which collar do you like?" I sat him down and started looking at all the collars. Soon he barked at me, I looked down and he had a collar with a gray bow tie on it. I laughed and wrapped it around his neck, petting his soft fur as I did so. I grabbed a soft bed, enough though he would sleep with me, and Graham walked over and smiled.

"Like him babe?"

"I love him already."

"He needs a name."

"I know I was thinking of some. What do you think?"

"Ummmmm...what about Sam?"

"No to easy. Luke?"

"Nah to classy."


"That's cute. Yeah I like that Lettie."

I smiled at Dees. "Dees? Dees boy come here."
He wagged his tail and licked at my fingers.

"So Dees it is."

"Happy birthday Lettie."

"Thank you babe."
filler chapter sorry for such the shortness.

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