Chapter 13; Jenny's POV

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I smiled as the text delivered.

He was mine before Lettie even met him so why should I back off? Lettie could have anyone. She wouldn't have trouble getting someone Brice.

"Ugh let him go!" A voice whispered.

"I don't want to!"

"You have too!!"

"No I-I'm arguing with myself." I sighed and walked into the kitchen to see Jenna limping to the living room,"Jen! What are you doing?"

She gasped and turned around,""

"Want to go shopping?"

" not really."

"Alright let's go!" She sighed and nodded her head.
We jumped out of the car and ran of us did. I started looking around for a new outfit that might impress Graham.

I have a lot of work to do if I want to impress him because his girlfriend *gag* is making it hard-

Let's: Stay off of my boyfriend!

Jenny:I don't know what you mean?

Lettie: You know exactly what I mean! You boyfriend stealer!

Jenny: Um. I don't have a boyfriend? NOT talk to my boyfriend!

Jenny: oh look you know my name good job!

I had put my phone down after that. If she doesn't want her boyfriend stolen then she should break up with him. I smirk.

"Jenna? Where are you?"

"Over here!"


I headed over to see Jenna standing by the bikinis. I couldn't help the grin that came over my face.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Jen you are a genius!" She frowned.

"" I ignored her and walked over to the large supply of swim suits. Picking up a neon green bikini with rhinestones on the bottoms.

"Yay or nay?" I said turning to Jenna who was sitting on the bench. She looked up and frowned.

"Nay. Definitely." Walking back to the rack I picked up a pink bikini thing that covered your stomach but not your back. I instantly put it back.

I looked around and found a rack titled "Beach Bodies" I grinned.

I picked up the first bikini it had watermelons on it. Nope. Then I saw it.

A strapless bikini. It was navy blue with a large, white anchor on the top and on the butt.

"I. Have. Found. It!!!" Jenna looked over and er eyes widen.

"Brice is going to be so jelly!" I frowned.

"Right." I mummer.

"Ok I'm starving. I need food. Let's get food."

Graham is going to be pudding in my hands.

I smirk as I looked in the mirror. Not bragging or anything....but I look HOT!


"I've got it!" I hear Jenna call. I decide to walk down stairs to see who it is, forgetting all about the lack of clothes on, "Oh, hey Brice." I stop in my tracks but it's to late. Brice's eyes shift to me standing at the top of the stairs my foot dangling in the air above the second step.

"Dang Jenny." That's all he says. Not I'm sorry. Or I was wrong. No. Dang Jenny.

"What?" I snap

"You look hot." He shrugs.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh right. I came to say I'm sorry."

"For?" I ask playing dumb

"For getting drunk and kissing another girl." He admits after a minute.

"Come up here. I need to talk to you in private." Jenna gags and I roll my eyes.

" wanted to talk?" I don't take long in stalking up to him and kissing his pale lips. It feels great to kiss him.


I image that it's Graham's lips instead.

soooooooo do you like??? (For whoever is reading)

Don't worry or couple does have ups and downs. But who doesn't?

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