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Elizabeth Grace didn't know that night would be the last time she saw her parents.

"We're leaving!" Her mother, Lillian, had called from the kitchen downstairs. Elizabeth, who was seventeen at the time, made her way towards the sound of her mother's voice, followed closely by her two elder brothers.

The eldest Grace child pushed his way past his siblings so that he stood face to face with his mother. "Already? But I thought you were going to stay for dinner," Luke had protested.

On the kitchen table, five sets of plates were laid out neatly, barely visible under the dim lights. The roast chicken was slowly getting colder by the second. Elizabeth had taken a chair out from the table and sat herself in it.

Wyatt Grace walked into the kitchen, facing his kids apologetically. He fastened his watch on his wrist carefully before speaking. "I'm sorry guys, but you know-"

"Duty calls," all three of them finished in the same monotonous voice. To define duty in the Grace family was complicated to say the least. To put it straight they were practically the real life Incredibles.

Each one of them had their own unique abilities and powers. Whether it be fire, telepathy or super strength, they were all gifted in one way or another.

Since Elizabeth was the youngest in the family, she was the last one to gain her powers just a few years ago. Emotion and Energy Manipulation, that was the simplest way to put it. So she was still learning to control them fully, it was hard especially when you had a full house of feelings that constantly weighed on her shoulders.

Now back to the duty part, since her family was as gifted as it could get her parents decided to do something about it. So every now and then, they would go to whatever state or country needed their help. Her parents would be called in to help settle whatever problem needed solving and then they'd leave just as quickly as they came.

"How long are you guys gonna be gone again?" Leo, her elder brother asked as he tried to warm up the chicken with the heat emitting from his hands.

Elizabeth watched as her parents packed whatever equipment they needed into their duffel bags. "We'll be back within a week, just like usual." Her mother answered as Elizabeth propped her feet up on the chair opposite her.

"So you guys know the drill," her father announced as all three of them nodded their heads in silent agreement.

Leo shoved his sisters feet of the chair and sat down, "No parties." He repeated the rules that their parents had practically burned into their minds.

Elizabeth scoffed and muttered under her breath, "We don't even have any friends."

Luke swatted her shoulder slightly as he stood next to her. "That's only you, you dolt."

"Yeah?" She challenged as she straightened up in her seat ready to argue with her brother. "Well you-" Elizabeth quickly stopped herself when she saw the pointed look her mother gave the two.

"Number two?" Her father asked, waiting for their response.

"Don't burn the house down," Luke answered quickly. He sent a proud smirk to his sister who had opened her mouth to respond to their father. Glad that he had beat her by a millisecond.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him as Leo watched the two in amusement. "That's meant for you," she muttered to Leo who shoved her playfully and threatened her with a hand that was ablaze.

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