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"When you said jet, I thought we were gonna find Thanos in like Oklahoma or something." Elizabeth turned around in her seat inside the spaceship to look at Wanda who sat behind her. "I didn't think we'd be joining NASA," she murmured with her eyes wide at the large window in front of them.

Earth looked a lot smaller than she thought it'd look in space. But then again, what did she know? Elizabeth sat in between Rhodey and Thor, the two on her side both looking out the large window.

"Okay," Rocket turned in his seat up at the front of the ship with Bruce, Carol and Nebula. "Who here hasn't been to space?" He asked all of them.

The twins both raised their hand and Elizabeth looked around to see Steve, Natasha and Rhodey raise their hands as well before she lifted her own one. Elizabeth heard Carol's light laugh up ahead and smiled at the woman.

Rocket sighed and looked at each one of them sternly. "You better not throw up on my ship," he ordered before turning back to the front.

"We're approaching the jump," Nebula announced, making all of those who haven't been to space fiddle with their seatbelts and brace their hands on the armrests. "In three, two, one." Nebula counted down and Rocket pulled back on the control lever.

All of them were thrown back in their seats slightly as the colours blurred all around them and the whole ship shook. They broke through the sound barrier at the speed they were going and all Elizabeth could think of was, this is exactly what it looked like in Star Wars.

The could have been travelling for hours or seconds, but she didn't have a clue. The only thing she did know was that time worked differently in space. So when she saw them suddenly appear in front of a large planet, she couldn't say she was surprised.

The planet was big, bigger than earth, she realised as the came to a stop in front of it. It was also greener, covered in what she could only assume were trees and crops. The planet not having to deal with the pollution oh humans.

Carol got her attention as she unbuckled herself and floated out of her seat. "You guys wait here," she told them as she patted down her suit, floating her way past Elizabeth and to the door of the ship. "I'll head down for recon."

Once she was out of the ship, they watched as she disappeared in a small light and headed down to the planet. Then, Rocket activated the gravity pull and hoped out of his seat to stand on the ground.

The rest of them followed suit and prepared themselves as they waited for Carol's cue. Wanda got up from her seat and went to talk with her brother quietly in Sokovian, not paying any mind to the rest of them.

In front of her, she saw Natasha and Steve talking quietly, Steve holding a compass in one hand with a frown on his face. Elizabeth felt his sadness and longing and tried to block it out of her mind as she stayed in her seat. Rhodey got up and went to the cockpit to talk to Rocket, the heavy sound of his suits machinery echoing in the small space.

Thor stayed put in his seat beside her, his foot tapping up and down in a unknown rhythm to her. "It wasn't your fault," She whispered to him when she felt the guilt he was feeling. "What happened on earth," she added when he turned his head to look at her.

"You can believe what you want," he replied curtly. "I have lost a great deal, but I will not lose this fight. I will kill Thanos,"Thor continued determinedly as he stared back ahead at the wonderful view out the window.

She turned her gaze to her her fingers as she played with them absentmindedly, knowing no matter what she said Thor wasn't going to change his mind. They were both similar in that way.

"There's no satellites," Carol appeared back in front of the glass as he voice came in through the speakers in the ship, her voice crackling every so often. "No ships and no armies either. No ground defenses of any kind. It's just him," she listed off as her blonde harr floated in tendrils around her.

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