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Renjun sat on his bed, crying. He still was having trouble accepting the fact that the two boys he loved were dating, and clearly didn't feel the same way.

Suddenly the door clicked open, and the crying boy panicked. He didn't want anyone to see him like this.

"Hey, are you doing ok?" a familiar voice asked in Mandarin.

"Chenle..." Renjun said sadly.

Chenle observed the weeping boy in front of him, trying to figure out how to make him feel better. He decided to hug the boy, and after a few minutes, the sniffling stopped. "Do you want to talk about it now?" Chenle asked softly.


"Ok, I'm listening."

"It-It's just I like them, no- I love them, and they just so clearly don't feel the same."

"It's ok Renjun. You'll be able to get over them eventually. You'll find love again."

Chenle felt so bad for the broken boy. He tried to imagine how he would feel if he found out Jisung loved someone else, but he couldn't even begin to imagine how bad it would feel. And it wasn't just one person either. It was two. And they loved each other, and only saw Renjun as their sweet Hyung.

"I-I just don't understand why I had to be the one that fell for them. Why I had to be the one to have my heart torn apart by two people," Renjun said after a moment.

"I don't know either Renjun, I don't know why it just had to be you, one of the sweetest people on the planet, someone who would love anyone until the end of time."

"Ca-can you stay here for a bit? Just until I feel a little better?"

"Of course Renjunnie."

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