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Renjun's POV, Scotland

The plane touched down, and I happily bounced off of the plane behind Jungwoo. We hadn't stood for hours, and my legs were killing me.

Jungwoo and I got off the plane, and then once everyone had gathered, we began to make our way through the airport.

Honestly, the airport is always the most frustrating yet fun part of filming our music videos. We were always surrounded by bodyguards, and producers, and we were all wearing caps and masks, so you could always tell we were celebrities. But at the same time, we got to see some of our fans, and it was always really cool to see how much of an impact we had in other countries.

We managed to get through the airport without losing anybody, so I called that a win. As we got into the van that would take us to our hotel, we began discussing dividing up the rooms.

A few minutes later, after some intense rock-paper-scissors, we had our rooms.

I had been hoping to room with either Jungwoo or Mark, although I had roomed with Lucas before and it was quite fun. We had several ridiculous moments.

Apparently Jungwoo really wanted to room with me as well, so I ended up getting to room with him.

Kun and Taeyong ended up in another room, which left Lucas and Mark in the last room.

I'm sure they'll be fine. They have the special rapper connection after all.

We got into our rooms, and they were pretty nice. 2 beds, a T.V, a small kitchen, and a bathroom. Pretty normal. We also got a balcony, and it had a really nice view.

We unpacked, and spent our first day in Scotland adjusting to the time change while the producers finalized plans for our shoot. So, of course for me, that meant a day of sleeping and what Jungwoo proudly called, 'Confident Gay Lessons.'

"Jungwoo, isn't this a bit much? I mean there's no way I'll be able to go back and just start shamelessly flirting with them. I'd be way too embarrassed. And right now Chenle and Jisung will hardly let Jaemin and Jeno talk to me." I laughed a bit at the last part, and so did Jungwoo.

"You have a good protection squad Renjun," Jungwoo said between chuckles, causing us to laugh harder.

After another half-hour of getting nothing done and joking around, we decided to take a nap. That nap ended up being 13 hours long, and the next thing we knew we were woken up by our stylists and scolded for not setting an alarm.

After we apologized, we hurriedly threw on the first things we found since we would change in a bit anyways, and headed downstairs for breakfast.

On the way down, we placed bets on what was for breakfast. I bet that there would be some Scottish food, while Jungwoo insisted we would get some sort of ramen.

I cheered when we got down, because I was right. I had won myself a whole day free of Jungwoo's confident gay tutoring.

Unfortunately that did not mean I didn't have to deal with Jungwoo and Lucas's subtle flirting throughout breakfast. Luckily it wasn't super outright, but still, it was annoying. Also, if Jungwoo expects me to grab Jeno's hand when he reaches for something then say it was and accident, then I'm scared to know what else he wants to teach me.

Once breakfast was finished, we once again hopped into a van and were taken to where we would be shooting. Once there, the stylists took over, taking us into the building they had rented out and began getting us dressed and doing our hair.

My hair wasn't getting dyed this time, since they wanted more of a medieval look, and I was really excited to see what everyone else looked like.

I walked out, and found that everyone looked amazing. Honestly, we should go for a castle theme more often. Everyone looks really good. (I'll let you imagine what they were wearing- Tbh I'm not a huge fashion person 😅)

We weren't allowed to admire each other's outfits for long though, because recording began not long after.

It continued throughout the day, until the sun set and it was time to return to the hotel.

While the work had been somewhat tiring, it had been fun. All of the members made recording really fun, even if it sometimes felt like it was taking forever, or was really boring.

We got back and practically flung ourselves onto our beds, ready to fall asleep. We had eaten earlier, so we were good for the night. I groaned when I realized it was the end of the no-gay-confidence day, but at least I had gotten it. I'm not sure when Jungwoo would've snuck one of those lessons in, but I'm sure he would have.

The next 3 days were all pretty similar. Wake up, eat, get pretty, shoot, eat, go back to bed. Jungwoo fit in a couple of his gay confidence lessons, but they actually weren't that bad. I just had to give Jungwoo a funny reference or idea, and he would get distracted and begin joking around.

On our 6th day in Scotland, we were told we could have the day to ourselves to celebrate finishing shooting. So Jungwoo, Lucas, Mark, and I all went to tour some castles. I have no idea as to what Kun and Taeyong did, but we had a lot of fun. After a while though, castles got boring, so we headed into town to pick up a couple of souvenirs.

I found a couple of things for the other Dreamies, along with some things I personally really liked.

Once all of us had what we wanted, we returned to the hotel to pack up. We would be leaving early the next day, and we wanted to be ready to go because we wouldn't have much time.

After that was done, all that was left to do was sleep. And so I collapsed on my bed, ready to do just that, when Jungwoo decided it was a great time to have a confident gay lesson.

"Jungwoooooo nooooooooo. I'm tireddddddd," I groaned, not willing to leave my bed.

"Renjun come on, just one thing? I haven't really gotten to teach you that much."

"I learned plenty from watching you flirt with Lucas thoughhhhhhhh."

Jungwoo laughed at that. "Alright fine. But don't expect to not get any lessons on the plane." 

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