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Renjun's POV

I stepped inside the room, my thoughts scattering every which way. I wasn't yet sure how I was going to confess to the two boys, but I was determined to do so.

If I don't confess now, I'll never be brave enough to try again.

Jaemin's face was full of longing when he looked at me, longing I hadn't known to look for before. And Jeno's gaze was one of slight fear, which concerned me a bit. Why is he afraid?

I stood there, awkwardly for a second, until Jaemin sat down on the bed and patted the spots on both sides of him, clearly signaling that Jeno and I should do the same. I bounced over, trying to appear cheerful, as I began worrying more and more about rejection.

And yet, Haechan's word and actions finally made sense now, and so did everything else. Everything was clicking into place for me, and the picture they created was me with Jaemin and Jeno. It was just... meant to be.

I took a deep breath, and began speaking, although I had no plan as to what I should say. I figured it was better to wing it, that way it wouldn't seem rehearsed.

"Jaemin, Jeno, I... I actually have something to confess. I like you. No, that's not the right word. I love you. Both of you. And I understand if you think I'm weird or don't want to hang out with me anymore, but I just thought you guys should know. I thought I should be honest."

I looked down immediately after, not wanting to see their faces. Because even though everything seemed to point to us being together, it seemed too perfect. Too good to be true. A fantasy, or a dream, delicate.

I was not expecting, however, the back hug I received from Jeno. Nor was I ready for Jaemin, who carefully cupped his hands around my face and raised it until I was looking into his eyes. And the words he spoke made my fantasy a reality. "Renjunnie, why would we ever think you're weird for that? You're perfect, just the way you are. It's the reason Jeno and I are so attracted to you. In other words, you're our missing Puzzle Piece." (My favorite calm-down song. It's just so peaceful. Anyways-)

His smile was contagious, and I soon found myself smiling happily too.

Jeno, at that moment, decided he wanted some attention too, so he flopped down, pulling me with him. I just laughed; his actions, as always, reminded me of a cute dog.

Jaemin did not want to be left out though, because he laid down on the other side of me and wrapped his arms around me and as much of Jeno as he could, pulling us all closer together.

Then he paused for a second, and I glanced back at him, confused.

"You're ok with this right?" Jaemin asked. "I know we're moving into the cuddling faze really quickly."

I smiled back at him reassuringly, and replied, "Of course it's fine. You have no idea as to how long I've wanted to do this."

I have wanted to be with them for so long. To cuddle them, to do everything with them. To be a part of their relationship. And now I finally am.

Well, mostly. We haven't exactly made it official-

I didn't really care though. I was with my Jeno, and my Jaemin, and that was all that mattered.

AN: Oh shit wait- did I just write the end? I think I did- Welp yay, sunshine and rainbows. They were happy forever, la-di-do-da. I might write a cute little side thing of them being whipped for each other or something, but I have no ideas as of how to do that right now-

Anyways, thank you SO MUCH for reading this and dealing with my annoying shit. I really appreciate it! Until next time besties

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