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Jaemin's POV (Renjun's 1st day in Scotland)

I opened my eyes, and immediately regretted it.

Haechan was standing over me, poking me, repeatedly saying, "Jaemin I'm hungryyyyy."

"Haechan shut up and order food, I'm tiredddd. I need my beauty sleep."

"I don't think it's helping your beauty. Actually, I think it's making it worse," Haechan teased. I glared at him, wanting to rip his head off. I didn't do anything though, because I didn't want to wake Jeno, who had somehow slept through the entire interaction.

"Fine, I'll cook your stupid breakfast. But you owe me."

"Owe you what?" Haechan asked cheekily, like he knew there was nothing I really wanted at the moment.

"Hmmmmmm," I hummed, trying to think of something. Then I had an idea. "You owe me an explanation on why everyone's been acting so weird around me and Jeno recently," I said.

The moment I did, Haechan's eyes widened a little, although he quickly composed himself. "That's not really for me to tell, actually. It's someone else's secret. But I can give you a few hints, just don't expect them to be obvious."

I nodded, finding what he had said interesting.

Why everyone's acting weird is not his secret to share? There's a secret I don't know? And they're keeping it from us? Now I'm definitely intrigued.

A small groan from beside me let me know I had accidentally woken Jeno. I quickly sent one last glare to Haechan, who just smirked at me and walked away, before turning my attention to my boyfriend.

"Sorry I woke you up Jeno," I apologized, still a little mad because of Haechan.

"It's alright, I needed to get up anyways. Why were you up though? Usually I wake up before you. You didn't have another nightmare, did you?"

"No, no I'm fine. I did have a nightmare, but it didn't wake me up or anything. And Haechan woke me up demanding food, that's why I'm up."

"Do you want to talk about it again?"

"Not really. It was basically the same thing, just this time part of the castle ruins they're going to be filming by collapsed and fell on Renjun instead of his plane crashing. And once again I was stood there, but I couldn't do anything."

Jeno looked at me, concerned, before letting out a little sigh. "Wake me up next time, alright? I don't want you to have to get all worried."

My heart melted at his cute pout, and at how sweet he was being. "Alright Jeno."

Once that was settled, I got up and went to the kitchen so Haechan wouldn't bother me anymore. I quickly made some ramen, which he totally could've made himself, and then gathered the other idiots and turned on the 3rd Harry Potter. We had left off on that one last time, so I figured it would entertain the 'kids' for a bit.

Plus, I'm not going to say no to cuddling with Jeno on the couch.

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