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(Jeno POV)

I glanced down at Jaemin and smiled, seeing how happy he looked in his sleep. Then my thoughts drifted to Renjun. He looked so sad. And I saw Chenle heading to his room all worried. I hope he's ok.

Jaemin chose that moment to wake up. He looks so cute when he's just woken up...

"Hey Nono," Jaemin said, still trying to shake sleepiness.

"Morning Nana."

I left so Jaemin could get ready for the day. We didn't really have anything to do today, other than a dance practice to keep us in shape.

I walked out into our living room and headed to the kitchen to see if anyone had made anything for breakfast, although I only found Jisung. He had a weird expression on his face, I couldn't tell if he was worried or jealous.

"Hey Jisung. What's up?"

The angry look he sent me surprised me, even though it was gone in a flash, replaced by the same weird expression.

"I'm fine," he said, although his voice sounded a little strange. Seriously, what's up with him today?

"Do you know where everyone else is?" I asked, trying to get rid of the tension.

"I have no idea where Haechan and Mark are, they're probably still sleeping. Renjun's in his room, and Chenle's in there too."

Ohhhh that explains his look. He's jealous.

Everyone in the dorms knew that Jisung liked Chenle, even Chenle himself. And Chenle didn't really keep his feelings a secret either. They just had decided to wait a little while to officially start dating. They didn't want to risk getting in trouble with their manager.

It was the only thing that was keeping us from asking Renjun to date us too. Well, that and we didn't really know if he liked us back, and if he didn't feel the same way, that would make things awkward.

In all honesty, Jaemin and I had discovered we liked each other on accident. I had found a book open in his room once, and not knowing it was his diary, I read a bit of it. (I'm sorry, I know it's cliché TwT) By the time I had realized what it was, it was too late. Although, in our case, that wasn't a bad thing.

Afterwards, I had decided to fess up to Jaemin, and tell him I liked him back. Unlike Chenle and Jisung though, we decided to take it a step farther, and actually start dating. It was a risk, and we knew that, but we felt that we couldn't just leave it at a 'I like you.' We had wanted to be official, even if we would have to keep it a secret from most of the world.

Of course, we told the other Dream members, and we planned on telling all of the other members in the other units later when we could. Although I'm sure Haechan or Mark will spill the next time they head over to work on a song with the 127 crew.

We almost didn't tell Renjun, but then we figured he would find out via another member anyways, so we decided the best way to break it to him was to tell him ourselves. We didn't want to make it seem like we were trying to keep it from him for some reason. That would be cruel.

There had been something about his face though, when we had told him.

I don't think Jaemin had noticed, he was already really tired and half asleep at that point, but I had noticed. His face had fallen, and I might've been imagining things, but I thought I saw tears well up in his eyes.

And of course I can't ignore the fact that Chenle had not long after hurried into the boy's room, a worried expression on his face.

And Jisung had seemed more calm about Chenle being in someone else's room than normal. Normally, he would've blown up, and he would spend the rest of the day in the dorms, with an expression angry enough to match a storm cloud.


Jaemin walked out of our room, a bright smile on his face.

I'll have to talk to him about this later.

"Morning Jisung! How are you?" he asked the younger, before noticing his face.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Jisung grouched.

Jaemin slid up next to me and asked, "Who was it this time?"

"Apparently Renjun," I whispered back.

Jaemin made a little O with his mouth before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Not long after, Mark appeared, and then Haechan, until the only members missing were Chenle and Renjun.

Mark and Haechan exchanged a glance, before Mark said, "I doubt they'll be out here for a while. We might as well eat."

That's even more weird. Jisung, Mark, and Haechan are all acting like they know what's going on, or they at least expected this. Nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday to make Renjun and Chenle upset though. I mean Jaemin and I told everyone we're dating but that's about it. If we didn't know about Chenle and Jisung's huge crushes on each other, I would be a little suspicious, but that doesn't add up.

I just shook my head and sat down, and proceeded to practically inhale the delicious food Jaemin had made.

"I guess I'll just put Chenle and Renjun's food in the fridge for them to warm up later?" Jaemin said, although it sounded more like a question.

Jisung nodded, before getting up and walking away from the table, towards Renjun's dorm room, probably to see if Chenle was up.

I continued to watch, out of curiosity, and was surprised when I saw the door open, and the younger boy get yanked into the room before the door shut behind him.

I suppose Chenle is basically his boyfriend.

Jaemin walked over to me, a slightly worried expression on his face as he also eyed the door to Renjun's room.

"What's going on? Everyone seems to be expecting Renjun to act this way, but I have no idea as to why he would."

"I honestly don't know Nana. But you're right. Everyone's acting weird. Jisung isn't even a walking storm cloud today like he usually is when Chenle stays in someone else's room or ignores him."

Jaemin nodded, thoughtfully.

"I would ask, but I feel like they would've told us already if they wanted us to know."

That's true. Usually we tell each other everything. Which is why this is even more strange.

I sighed, unable to make anything make sense.

"I guess we just have to figure it out ourselves," I said.

AN: Oop- I went off and wrote over 1000 words. Anygays- 

Cya in the next part!

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