Chapter 2

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•Officially his servant

Siya entered her classroom peacefully, seeing there's almost half of students inside. She still have thirty minutes before the teacher arrives and since Allison is not yet around, Siya took her earphone and plugged it in and get her book to read.

She heard her classmates talking and whispering, others are squealing but Siya, didn't even bother to care and just continued to read. One of her classmates tap her shoulder, Siya groan, removing one of her earphone she looked up. "What is it?" The girl smiled.

"Hwanwoong is looking for you." Her classmate said, and now she looked around only to find her classmates looking at her, with curiosity written on their faces. She looked at the door, and found Hwanwoong waving at her. She closed her book, keep her earphone and go to Hwanwoong.

"What do you want?"

"Didn't you remember? You are my servant starting today. Now since there's still time, I need you to buy me marker outside the school." He told Siya. The girl watched Hwanwoong hand her a money, her lips parted as she looked at Hwanwoong in disbelief. "What are you waiting for? The school has no marker, so you need to buy it outside, I'll wait here, be faster."

Siya snatch the money annoyed, fast pacing. She met the guards on the gate and told her reason why she's going out. After buying the marker, she check the time and luckily, she still have ten minutes. She reached her homeroom and throw the marker on Hwanwoong, entering her class. She sat down on her desk, and wait for the teacher to arrived.

On lunch, she found Hwanwoong again annoying her. "Siya, go get me a food." The girl frustratedly stomp away, getting a food for Hwanwoong. Siya came back, handing him the tray of food and a carton milk. "Hwanwoong oppa, I have something for you." A female student appear, giving Hwanwoong a cupcake. The student left with a wide smile on her face.

Siya eyed Hwanwoong, shaking her head in disbelief. "You made everyone as your servant?" She asked, curiously. Hwanwoong snort. "Of course not, they just give it voluntarily. Go eat these." Hwanwoong give Siya the cupcakes.

"Seriously? It's for you, so you should be the one to eat it." She push the cupcakes back to Hwanwoong, eating her lunch looking for Allison and Solein, when she spotted them, she smiled and was about to stand up. Hwanwoong hold her wrist. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Allison." She pick her tray and push the chair backward. When she's almost at the table of Allison, Siya tripped off, causing for her to fell at the floor, the students inside laugh at her. Siya looked at Hwanwoong who just watched her and laugh along with other students. Allison and Solein stood up and help Siya to stand. She thanked them and clean up the mess.

While picking up the scattered food, someone help Siya and even help her mop the floor. "Thank you so much!" She bowed. The guy flail his arms, smiling assuring Siya. "It's nothing, I'm Changmin, Ji Changmin." He stretch out his hand for hand shake. Siya gladly shake it and introduced herself. "Jeon Siya."

AFTER SCHOOL, Siya meet Changmin again on the hallway. "I just noticed, every time you meet the person once, you'll start seeing them again anywhere." Siya whispered to herself, as she smiled back at boy. "Hey, are you going home? Let's go together." Changmin offer. Siya accept it and they start to walk, whilst talking.

"Siya!" The two turn around to find the person calling Siya. As they turn around they saw Hwanwoong running towards them, Siya almost swear giving Changmin an apologetic look. "I'm going to grocery, you need to go with me." Hwanwoong said, before eyeing the guy beside Siya.

"I think I should go first, bye Siya~" Changmin said softly, Siya could only wave at him, admiring him at the back. Siya can't explain but she somehow like Changmin, the way he helped her and talk softly to her, it's already enough for Siya to like the guy. Hwanwoong on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows and wave his hand in front of Siya.

"Hello?" Siya snapped out of her thought and glance Hwanwoong. "Let's go!" Hwanwoong hold her wrist and pulled her with him, he brought her to a car, park near at their school gate and lead her inside. Siya, watched Hwanwoong sat beside her and look at the driver.

"Is he your father?" She whispers. Hwanwoong chuckle, shaking his head. "He's my driver, Mr. Kim." He told Siya, who nodded and glance the driver once again. "Hello~" She greeted warmly, the driver look at rear mirror and smile at Siya. "Hi~ I'm Kim Yuseop, Hwanwoong's driver."

"I'm Jeon Siya, Hwanwoong's servant." She introduced rolling her eyes at Hwanwoong beside her. Mr. Kim blinked. "You sure? You're not his girlfriend?" Mr. Kim asked in disbelief, shifting his eyes to Siya and Hwanwoong.

"I would rather die." She reply bluntly, causing for Mr. Kim to laugh at the attitude changes. Hwanwoong and Siya got out of the car, while Mr. Kim waited for them at the parking lot. They entered the grocery, Siya get a cart and tailed Hwanwoong. At the back, she could hear Hwanwoong cursing.

Siya go to his side and asked him on what's the problem. "Well, my mother just told me to buy the ingredients of whatever she'll make and the other materials, that I don't know." Siya could feel Hwanwoong rolled his eyes at the back of his head, as he groan frustratedly. Siya get the list out of his hand and sigh.

"Your mother could never rely on you, aren't she?"

"Whatever." He cross his arms over his chest and just watch Siya do the tasks, he's supposed to do. Hwanwoong did nothing but just to follow Siya whose pushing the cart, when they finished they go to cashier to pay for it. Hwanwoong looked at the full cart, cursing again whilst the cashier is doing her job.

"Can you stopped cursing? You didn't even help me push the cart, nor pick the written ingredients on the list."

"At least I follow you."

"You just follow me, you didn't help. It was your job."

"It's yours, don't forget that."

"You're really annoying."

"Uh.. You two looks like a newlywed couple bickering for something." The cashier said, making them stopped and glare the cashier. "Here's the total." The cashier point the screen, pressing her lips together. Hwanwoong paid it and cary only two plastic bags out of 8 full plastic bags.

Siya burn a hole at Hwanwoong's back, squinting her eyes on him. She struggled to walk, but manage to reach the car. Mr. Kim help her and when they arrived Hwanwoong's place, the boy didn't even care to carry any and walk towards their door, saying, "Siya, bring all the plastic bags inside." Siya's shoulder dropped.

She lazily tried to hold all plastic bags and on her luck, Mr. Kim went to help her carry the other half. "Thank you so much, Mr. Kim. That boy is seriously want some punch." Siya said in cool way, as if she's ready for a fight, that made Mr. Kim laugh.

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