Chapter 6

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The building is quite far, when Siya reach the second floor, she stopped for a while to catch her breath and walk again to find the classroom. She found it and from outside, she could hear the students inside chatting like there's no tomorrow, or as if the person they're talking with is deaf, because of loudness.

She breathed in and out for three times, moving her hand up to knock. Few seconds after, the chatter died down and the door flung open, revealing the person she didn't expect to see, Hwanwoong who shared the same look, surprised. "U-Uh, Mrs. Park asked me to, bring this file here and told me to ask anyone to put it on teacher's desk." She handed the file to Hwanwoong. He grabbed it and nod.

When Siya is about to leave, Hwanwoong hold her wrist. "Wait." He said, and bring the file to the table in front, after it, he go to his seat and get his backpack and left. Siya eyed him, curiosity written on her eyes, with questioning look. "Don't look at me like that, we don't have class after, so come on let's go home." Siya shook her head.

"We still have class and I left my things on class." Hwanwoong look at his wristwatch and back to Siya. "10 minutes left, before your current class end. Right when we reach your classroom, she's already done, and after that there's no class anymore, because they have meeting." He informed Siya and grabbed her hand without thinking, as they headed downstairs, walking outside, hand on hand.

Hwanwoong let go of Siya's hand and push her inside the class to grab her things. Siya on the other hand asks her classmates, if what Hwanwoong said is true, which is yes, its true. She stepped out the room and was pulled by Hwanwoong again. "Why are you in hurry?"

"Today is my father's birthday, I want to surprise him, because he's been working hard for us, I need you to help me." Siya watch Hwanwoong's back, taken aback. Did he really said, he'll surprise his father? Oh that's sweet— Siya's thought got interrupted when her head bang on the gate.

Hwanwoong turn around, when Siya pulled out her hand harshly and after hearing the bang sound, he watch as the guard cover his sight, frowning at the view, he did his best to see what is going on, only to found one of the guard guiding Siya. His eyes widened as he approach them. "What happened?!" Siya hiss in pain, wanting to slap her forehead, but sadly its soaring and almost bleeding.

One of the guard came, with first aid kit with him, Hwanwoong get it and assist Siya, he cleaned the small scrape and put a bandage. He hand back the first aid kit to the guard and say, "Thank you and sorry for my servant's clumsiness." He grabbed Siya's wrist and brought her on the car, earning a question from Mr. Kim.

"What happened Siya?" Mr. Kim asked, as he focused on the road. Siya bit her bottom lip, can't say the real reason, that she was thinking of how sweet Hwanwoong is, for pulling a surprise for his father and start to space out until she hit her forehead on the gate, because she's focus on Hwanwoong instead of her way.

"I didn't see the gate is not fully opened." She reason, still feeling the pain. Hwanwoong looked at her worriedly, letting out a sigh and shook his head. "Next time, be careful, you're really a clumsy servant." Siya smile awkwardly and nodded. When they reach the house, Hwanwoong give her Icepack, and a new bandage.

Hwanwoong and Siya started to decorate the whole kitchen and also decided to bake a cake and cupcakes. "Do you even know how to bake?" Siya asked Hwanwoong, seeing how he wrongly prepare the ingredients. Siya sigh and get the ingredients away from Hwanwoong, motioning him to step back. "Let me do it."

Siya decorated the cake and designed it with different kinds of sweets and fruits. And about cupcake, Hwanwoong is the one to put the icing on the top of it, so they will finish early. They order two boxes of pizza, one bucket of fried chicken and tteokbeoki. After they cleaned the table, they set up the table and the food are well prepared including the cake and cupcakes.

The two pick the other piece of papers they used for decoration and put it on its place, faces and clothes were full of floor. While they were cleaning the counter they used on baking, side by side, a voice was heard on the doorframe, making them grasped on each others arms. "What's these?"

They turn around to found the person, they're supposed to surprise, surprising them instead. "D-Dad..." Hwanwoong shared a nervous look with Siya, giving a quick nod. "Surprise!" They both said. The latter on the doorframe chuckle, scanning the surrounding with his wife on his side.

"I'm so touch, my son and.. oh double surprise?" Hwanwoong tilted his head in confusion, as he gave his father a questioning look. His father chin-pointed Siya and said, "You brought your girlfriend with you, probably to introduce her on me?" The middle-aged man wriggle his eyebrows on Hwanwoong playfully.

Hwanwoong open his mouth to speak, but his mother interrupt him. "Darling, she's the girl I'm talking about, Siya. Hwanwoong's friend." Siya smiled awkwardly, holding onto Hwanwoong's shirt at the back. The man nod, understanding what his wife have said. "Oh~"

They all sat at the table, singing a happy birthday song and eat. "The two of you, bake those?" His mother asked, pointing the cake and cupcakes. Hwanwoong shook his head. "Only Siya." Siya nodded as approval and smile to the two eldest person across them.

While they were eating, Hwanwoong's father spoke, asking Siya a question. "Siya, what is your parents occupation?" Siya looked up to Hwanwoong's father and stopped eating, swallowing the food in her mouth to answer. "My father is businessman and my mother as well, a businesswoman." The man nodded as understanding.

"Can I know, your father's name?"


"Jeon Hyunsuk?" Siya nodded in motion, furrowing her eyebrows. "Is your mother's name, Jayoung?"

"Yes.. It is.."

"Sure your parents is on trip, if I'm right."

"Yeah, you're right, how?"

"What a great coincidence. Your parents' company and ours, are collaborating and for it to be official as soon as possible, they were send on other place to process it, and I'm going there too, tomorrow." He informed. Siya blink in disbelief her mouth agape, just like Hwanwoong. The eldest chuckle at their reaction.

"Yes, Siya we're going there too, any message for your parents?" Siya's eyes twinkled in happiness, lips stretch into a wide smile. "Tell them Mrs. Yeo, that I missed them so much, and also remind them to bring me something." She chuckle. "Yeah sure, I'll bring them some of these cupcakes too." Mrs. Yeo's response.

When they finished, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo, go to their room, leaving Hwanwoong and Siya to clean up. After it, Hwanwoong told Siya to come with him at his room, which she obey. "Do you need something?" Siya asked, standing near at the door. Hwanwoong sat at his bed.

"No, I'll bring you home. Wait for me, I'll just change my clothes."

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