Chapter 9

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•Live together? •

As the two eat, raindrops are still can be heard outside. "Are you going home now? Or later?" Hwanwoong asked and sipped to his cup of coffee. Siya looked at the widow behind Hwanwoong, sighing as she nodded to him. "Yeah, I need to. I can't just wear your clothes." She chuckle.

Hwanwoong hummed in response, thinking that Siya might also got sick if she'll go out with that kind of weather. He absentminded look at Siya, wanting to stop her on going home. Siya waved her hand on Hwanwoong. "Aye yo~ are you okay?" Hwanwoong quick shake his head, and blink.

"Y-Yeah. But it's raining." He said, worriedly. Siya smiled mischievously, giving Hwanwoong a naughty look. "Are you—" Hwanwoong cut her off saying, "It's not what you think!" Siya squint her eyes at Hwanwoong, eyeing him.

"So you aren't scared of being alone on this big house?" Siya deadpanned as she took another bite of her fluffy waffle. Hwanwoong froze as he realized that he's just being, too defensive on his words and action. "Uh.. What I mean is.. maybe you can stay here, until rain is over?" He said, not sure on his own statement.

"Just say it, you're scared of being alone, especially it's raining and.." She leaned closer. "Later night, if the lights turned off again... a ghost will appear and haunt you.. Hahaha.." Siya laugh creepily. "Ouch!" Siya hissed, leaning back to her seat, rubbing the soaring spot on her scalp, as Hwanwoong snatch her hair.

"You're really creepy." Hwanwoong rolled his eyes at Siya, who laugh once again, literally enjoying to watch Hwanwoong got pissed on her. "You can go home anytime you want." Hwanwoong said, raising a brow, with narrow eyes towards Siya.

"Oh come on, just tell me if you're scared and I won't leave you, I will call Yeeun to bring me some clothes." She told Hwanwoong, wriggling her eyebrows playfully, waiting for Hwanwoong to reply on her statement. Hwanwoong poke the inside of his cheek, corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "Then get your phone, and call your friend." Siya gave him an unbelievable look, chewing her last bite of waffle.


"No. I want now."

"But I'm lazy to get my phone."

"Are you—hey servant, get it now."


"Get it."


"Okay fine, I'll do it for you and just wait, for it." Hwanwoong dashed to his room to get Siya's phone, as he texted Yeeun. Lucky him, to guess Siya's pass code. And when he go back to the kitchen, he give it to Siya, who smiled at him. "I bet, you failed because it has pin." Seconds after her phone rang, to see Yeeun calling, as she accept the call, Yeeun's voice boomed into the speaker.


Siya's eyes widened and gaze Hwanwoong, only to see him smiling like wicked man, winking at Siya. "N-No, of course not!"


"Can you lower your voice? My eardrums are going to explode now." Siya said, sending Hwanwoong a death glare. "Okay, I take it back. Don't bring clothes here, because I'm going—"

"No you're not leaving the house." Hwanwoong said cutting off Siya, as he snatch the phone out of her hand. "Yeeun, bring her clothes that is enough for three days."

"Three days?!" Hwanwoong shush Siya as he continued to speak on the phone. "I'll text the address." He hung up the call, typing her pin to unlock the phone and texted Yeeun the address. Siya's lips parted, giving him a disbelief look. "And how on earth did you know my phone password?"

"It's not hard to guess, when I saw you putting a pin number on your phone. Sure its your birthday." He answered in a duh tone, flipping his imaginary hair. "If you're wondering how I know your birthday, well it's because, I went on school administration office and saw your file, so I check it." He shrugged.

"Now, you're intruding my information." Siya told her, squinting her eyes on Hwanwoong in judging way. Hwanwoong laugh at her and shook his head. "Don't ever forget, that I'm your master and I should now more about you, I don't know if you're actually a spy."

"Spy? Are you okay? Who would spy you? And excuse me, It's you who made me as your servant without even my consent. But since I was such a grateful and truthful child of God, I just let it, at least I know... I'm—I have a good heart."

"Are you saying I don't have a good heart?!"

"I didn't say that, hold up—defensive? Check, feeling guilty? Check, such an annoying guy who won't let me live in peace? Check. You're right!" Siya showed him a delighted look, clasping her hands together. Hwanwoong stood up, furiously and approach Siya who immediately got out of her seat to run, neither of them sparing a glance on the door, where someone stood.

As they continue to chase each other, the other is laughing while the other is screaming, which is Hwanwoong threatening Siya once he caught her. "I'm not gonna let you live ever again, once I strangle your neck!!!"

"Woah, violence is not allowed inside the house man!" Siya shouted back, running for her life. They only stopped when a voice interrupted them. "Okay? So first of all, I was expecting its Siya whose chasing Hwanwoong but I guess, I was wrong." Yeeun spoke, as she put down the backpack of Siya.

She pat the wet part of her sleeves, and looked at the two, shoulders dropped. "So, you two won't even give me a towel? A welcome greetings? Something warm? A thank you?" Siya blinked and run to a near bathroom and grabbed a towel to give on Yeeun.

Hwanwoong composed himself as he cross his arms. "Hey servant, we're not yet done." He raised his hand, two fingers pointing his eyes and to Siya, before going upstairs to his room. Yeeun ran up to Siya, catching up on the scene. Siya told her to follow her at the kitchen.

"Drink this water, so you won't get colds." Siya said as she handed Yeeun a glass of water, and cleaned up the table. After gulping the plenty of water, Yeeun cleared her throat and asked. "Why are you staying?" Siya stopped for a brief moment, and continued to wash the plates.

"That small guy, is scared of being alone. His parents are out of town too." She answered and Yeeun nodded as understanding. Yeeun furrowed her brows, before raising it, glancing Siya. "Small guy... coming from a small girl like you." Yeeun laugh. Siya turned around, glaring Yeeun.

"My height is—"

"Oh come on, you're still small, comparing to other girls out there." Instead of countering back, Siya just squint her eyes on Yeeun. She put the plates back to its place, wiping the wet surface. As when she finished, she sat across Yeeun and told her the other stuffs, Yeeun been asking for.

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