Chapter 15

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Siya sat beside her parents, so do Hwanwoong on the other side. Their parents talk about many things, almost forgetting the reason why they had dinner together. "Oh, I forgot." Hwanwoong's father said. "Mr. Jeon, you guys probably know why we're here, right? To talk about our child." Siya's parents glances the two and nodded.

"Yeah, you probably make a new, decision about the wedding?" Siya's father questioned, and earn a smile with light nod from Mr. Yeo. "I already to talk to Mr. Moon, I told them that my son has girlfriend and they understand. That's why, I called you and your wife, to talk about their marriage instead." Mr. Yeo said, smiling widely. Siya gulped secretly.

"In short, if they got married, your company will be our new partner. But the question is, Mr. Jeon, are you willing to? If yes, the plan for their wedding will be held tomorrow." Siya choke up on her food as she looked at Mr. Yeo with wide eyes. "That fast?! I mean—we're not yet even done studying, and we're still young." Siya said, a little bit against on the sudden decision. "Yes dad, maybe that could wait." Hwanwoong seconded.

"Darling, on this kind of partnership, you two should get married so it will be acknowledged." Hwanwoong's father explained. "If the partnership is because of the marriage agreement, then it should happen. And if we'll choose the other options, it's more long to process, not like this." He added, sad that he has to do all of these for his business, and the payment is his son's happiness and freedom.

Siya's father cleared his throat and spoke. "If your father won't do this son, your parents' company will go down, due to lack of partnership." He glances Hwanwoong and Siya. "And if we won't process your wedding as soon as possible, it would be a downfall for them, we've collaborated with them, so if they fell, we'll be affected. Even I'm not sure with all of these, especially it's a commitment for two of you, I needed to, we needed to." He told them, wholeheartedly.

The two mother remained silent, feeling sorry for their child. They could do nothing, but to listen to their husbands, since it's also for their own good. Siya weakly smiled, seeing how her father's expression softened to explain everything to them and to hear the sadness lacing on his voice, is enough to touch her soft heart.

"Dad, Mr. Yeo I understand, don't worry we won't disagree with this, we'll.." Siya tried her best to not tear up, even though the tears are already threatening on the corner of her eyes, she still managed to smile. "We'll get married anytime you want." Hwanwoong could only watched Siya fighting the urge of crying, that made his heart clench.

Mrs. Jeon hugged her daughter, comforting her as far as she can, just to make sure Siya won't be sad anymore. The dinner ended, with their parents' chatter and Hwanwoong and Siya's silence. In the next morning, Siya and Hwanwoong meet on the cafeteria, nothing seems off, still like their usual. They bicker every second, but friends again after few minutes of arguing about nothing.

Hwanwoong decided to walk Siya through her next class, since it's not yet time for their next class, they just walk slow. "Are you okay now, Siya? We can still please them." Hwanwoong said, trying to make the atmosphere alive. Siya sigh and smiled at Hwanwoong. "You know, we don't have to. I'm okay with it, how about you? Are you sure about it?" Hwanwoong smiled and nodded. "Of course, it's more better that its you, I'm getting married to."

"Just don't run away on the wedding day, I can't stand to watch you run, leaving me dumbfounded." Siya joked and playfully rolled her eyes, making Hwanwoong chuckle, poking her cheek. "Are you scared, that I might left you?" He smiled mischievously, Siya stayed silent. "Silence means yes, does it means, my servant love her king?" Hwanwoong teases as he poke her side, tickling Siya.

Siya laugh and tried to whack his hand. "Stop that, of course not." Hwanwoong give her another playful look, not convinced on what she said. "I don't see it like that. If we'll get married soon, does it means we'll live on the same house?" He asked. Siya stopped and turned to Hwanwoong's direction. "More probably."

"So it means, we'll sleep on the same bed? I can cuddle up with you?" Hwanwoong wriggle his eyebrows, eyes glittering on happiness. Siya showed off a disgusted look. "Yikes, never." She said and walk in fast pace. Hwanwoong jogged and catch up with Siya. "Come on, we'll end up like that."

"I won't let that happen, that would never be."

"Just say that, I'm sure in the very near future, you'll wake up your arms around me...aye."

"You're so ridiculous."

"Just admit it, you want to cuddle with me too."

"Your feeling ass is just, too confident. Stop following me." Siya smiled behind her irritated look, and make sure Hwanwoong won't see it, despite of cringing to Hwanwoong's choices of words. "Your next class is far from me, you should go now." Hwanwoong pouted and obey Siya, waving at her. "Bye! See you later!" Hwanwoong cheerfully waved his hand as he yelled those words to Siya.

She waved back to him and laugh. "He's just too loud." She murmured. "Guess we have here, future married woman." Siya jumped in scared and spin around only to see, Serim with Changmin with suspicious look. "Since when did you guys—"

"Came?" Changmin asked and continue. "Since you guys left the cafeteria." Siya's eyes widened as she cover her mouth. Serim nodded as agreement. "We're actually, 1 meter away. Far enough right? And you won't even believe, how other students widened their eyes, hearing your conversation with your future husband. Is it really guys your habit to talk loudly?" Serim informed her, making her pale.

Dumb us, Hwanwoong. Siya thought.

"A-Are you guys telling the truth?" Siya asked, nervously, hoping their just joking, but Serim and Changmin shook their heads. "Sorry but, we're telling the truth." Changmin said as the bell rang, they started to sprint out through their next classes and wait for their teacher.

"Is that true, Hwanwoong. You're getting married with the transferred student?" One of Hwanwoong's classmate asked, making Hwanwoong looked at him in surprised. "How did you know?" He asked, earning the attention of other students.

"Some students said, they heard you and the transferred student, talking about it." The other classmate said, and was followed by another. "Yes, it already spread on the other side of campus. Some our upset, but mostly are shocked. So it is true?"

Hwanwoong scratch the back of his head. I'm dead to Siya, she'll surely tell it's because I'm loud, even if not. Hwanwoong could only thought, and the door swing open revealing their teacher. Hwanwoong sighed in relief and mentally thanking the teacher for saving him from answering.

After school, Siya meet Hwanwoong outside her classroom and another argument started again. "Okay we're exposed, what do you think they will think, if they knew it's because of business?" Siya asked, reluctantly shaking her head. "Do you think, they will judge us because of that?" He asked, with the same expression, tense.

"Of course they will. A two person getting married, because of their families' business and not because they love each other."

"They won't."


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