Chapter 20

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Siya and Hwanwoong ate their breakfast at the near cafe, which is also near at their school. While eating, the two could see their classmates enter their school. Some even greeted them and congratulated them inside when they saw Siya and Hwanwoong.

Hwanwoong received the money his and Siya's mother gave them, and wait for Mr. Kim to fetch them to bring them on the market and grocery store. As they finished, minutes after Mr. Kim called them, telling he's outside. They got out and entered the car.

First, Mr. Kim brought them to grocery. The two didn't bought their grocery all alone, but with Mr. Kim guiding them on what to buy. It was still difficult for them to adjust on their new lifestyle, especially they need to do things all alone with no one with them, but only two of them. They didn't know exactly how to deal with their everyday, when they were left.

As they finished, the next thing they went is market, where they will buy meats, vegetables and other species. "We should budget our money." Siya told Hwanwoong, when they were quite far from the car, where Mr. Kim is. The middle-aged man didn't follow them anymore, since the two says, they won't take long.

As what they planned, Siya and Hwanwoong budgeted the money they have and only bought half kilo of meat,and chicken. Enough species, and few vegetables that they're sure, they will consume not for long. They got back to the car and loaded it to car's compartment.

"I'll get going now." Mr. Kim said, bidding his goodbye with Hwanwoong and Siya. "I'll bring the car, just call me if you two, need something okay?" He instructed as they nodded as understanding and watch Mr. Kim drove away from them, leaving them with the works to do on their house.

"What should we do first?" Hwanwoong asked, glancing the bags that is full of groceries. Siya could only sigh, with Hwanwoong being so clueless on what to do. He must be living free on their house without any job to do, except on eating, sleep and same cycle everyday.

"Don't you know what to do?" Hwanwoong shook his head. "You don't help your mother?" Siya asked once again, getting bit irritated for some reason.

"We have housemaids, but they were on break for private reason, that they need to take two months leaved. That's why, you never saw them. But.. I do saw them do the things sometimes." Hwanwoong explained and scratch his nape on the last sentence. He watch Siya helplessly glancing each bags, as a huge sigh escaped her lips.

Siya swallowed the lump on her throat and weakly smiled at Hwanwoong. "We can do this!" She cheered up, not only for Hwanwoong but also for her. This is just the beginning, I should be more strong in the future. Mom won't be here anymore. Siya thought.

As they finished, Siya and Hwanwoong stood there, sweating. "I never knew, it was this tiring." Hwanwoong said, breathing heavily. He put his arm on Siya and pulled her. "I'm sorry~." He said softly. Hwanwoong feel so helpless too. By just waking up in the morning, thinking that he should do things for his own, can already made him felt like, he's tired.

They are still adjusting, for new life that both of them are not used to. Siya rely on her mother, while Hwanwoong on their housemaids and parents to produce his needs. But now, they both know, no one will help them, except for themselves. Upon hearing Hwanwoong says sorry, she already knew what he meant. As a softhearted person Siya is, even if it's just a simple words, she felt her heart tightening.

She hugged Hwanwoong, taking a deep breath. "Don't be sorry, I'm sure. We'll get used to it, soon, but now, we should prepare ourselves for that." Hwanwoong smiled and hugged Siya back. When they pulled out on the hug, they smiled at each other and wander around.

Evening comes, Siya search how to cook a dishes they wanted to eat on google. On their luck, Siya did it perfectly. On the next day, they organized their house, with their new stuffs, from their friends and relatives, that lasted for three days. On their last day for break, Siya and Hwanwoong are back to school. They had to wake up early, just to cook for their breakfast and prepare everything they needed for school.

Since today is their intramural day, Hwanwoong wore his outfit and waited at the backstage for his turn.  "You can do this! Fighting!" Said Siya, cheering Hwanwoong. The nervousness he feels, lessen. Hearing Siya's voice were like a comfort sound on his ears. It's finally his turn to perform, but before going up to the stage. Siya gave him a tight hug and cheerful smile.

It was so eventful day for them, as they waited for winners announcement. Hwanwoong won the first place, and the worries Siya feels just washed away. She congratulated Hwanwoong along with their other friends and go home together. Happily.

"Congratulations, Hwanwoong~" Siya said softly, when they reached their house. Hwanwoong thanked her, and showered her with kisses, saying she's his lucky charm. Their night went well as the two fell into deep slumber.

When the two woke up in the morning, Hwanwoong was really cheery. But then, his cheeriness gone when Siya, greeted him coldly and even told him to go to school first. His systems lost its energy as he hazily go to school, without Siya. On their lunch too, Siya didn't joined him, which made him so sad. He wanted to cry, he wanted to asks her why she's acting like that.

Hwanwoong got called out by his teachers many times, because of not listening as he continued to zone out, not minding if the teacher is already mad at him for not paying attention on their class. After school, he immediately went on Siya's class hoping, the questions inside his head, will finally got an answer.

So sad to say, Siya's not there anymore. Hwanwoong got out of their school lifelessly, and aimlessly walk through the street. But before that he first looked for Allison or their other friends to asks if they saw Siya, but none of them are around. He also asked the guard if he saw Siya, then the guard answered him. "I saw her, with cute guy went out earlier." Hwanwoong's soul felt like it just left his body for a while.

Nevertheless, Hwanwoong decided to go home. Without any energy, he grabbed the key on his pocket and insert in the keyhole. He closed the door slowly and opened the light. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" A sudden yelled surprised Hwanwoong and jumped out of scared.

There stood Yeeun, Allison, Soleil, Serim, Changmin, Mr. Kim and Siya, whose holding a cake with a wide smile plastered on her face. Few moments after, Hwanwoong teared up. Mixed emotions building up, inside him. Siya approach him and showed the cake. "Go, make a wish~" Hwanwoong closed his eyes and wished, after blowing the candles Siya give the cake to Yeeun, and hug Hwanwoong.

"Why are you crying?" Siya asked, after pulling out. Hwanwoong looked at her with sulking face, that made Siya laugh. Hwanwoong inhaled a thick amount of air and sobbed.

"Who would not? I thought you don't like me anymore, I thought you already find new one. I thought.." He stopped as another tear dropped.

Siya found Hwanwoong cute, as she gently pulled Hwanwoong for a hug. "I'm sorry, for that. I'm just planning to surprise you." She told him, and released Hwanwoong from her embraced. She looked at him in the eyes and asked. "Why did you even thought, that I would leave you?" She tilted her head, waiting for respond.

Hwanwoong breathed in and out, whilst Siya wiped his tears. "Because the guard said, you went out of the school with a cute guy." He said and sniff. The rest watched them while chuckling at Hwanwoong's state.

"That must be, Changmin." Siya chuckle. "I went out with Changmin, because I need him to go with me to bought the cake and other food. Then Allison, Yeeun, the rest including Mr. Kim, were already here to prepare the other stuff we need." She explained to Hwanwoong, smile still there on her lips.

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