Chapter 16

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Officially yours

"Because I like you, and sure Siya if we'll get to know each other more, you'll like me too. And if the time comes, I'll start loving you, I hope you'll do the same, because I'll stick with it."

"But what if, you won't like my attitude? I'm lazy, I'm forgetful and many more."

"I don't care, stopped telling me your flaws. I only saw a nice Siya, and I know everyone has this suck attitude and characteristics, but trust me Siya, I will never care about it, I will understand you more."

Siya's expression softened, the corner of her lips stretch to the side, forming a wide smile. "You sure?" Hwanwoong smiled and nodded eagerly. "Of course I am, so stopped overthinking, okay?" Siya nod. "Let's go?" Hwanwoong said and they started walking.

"May I ask? Since when, did you start liking me?" Siya asked, while they were walking through the gate. Hwanwoong looked at Siya, as he smile. "Since the day, you took care of me. And if you'll asks me why, it's because.. I don't know too." Hwanwoong chuckle as he stopped near gate, causing for Siya to stopped as well. "I should asks this first, will you accept me to be your... boyfriend?" He asked shyly and looked down awkwardly.

Siya got taken aback as she swallowed the lump on her throat. "Uh—of course!" Her breath hitches, and her eyes widened on her own answer. Hwanwoong jumped in joy and engulfed Siya on his arms. He pulled out first as he cupped Siya's cheeks and kissed her forehead multiple times. They both giggle, forgetting about the other students.

When they looked around, they found some students watching them with jaw dropped, some giving them applause.  Hwanwoong and Siya got embarrass by the looks they're receiving and lowered their heads as they got out of the school. Immediately, they entered the car with embarrassed look. Mr. Kim glances them, knitting his eyebrows at the awkward young ones inside.

He cleared his throat and speak. "What happened to the two of you?" Siya pouted and answered. "This little boy, courted me in front of many people, and of course I forgot that there's so many students out there, and yeah.. I'm so embarrassed" Hwanwoong looked at Siya in disbelief. "Do you think I'm not?"

"You can just, do that thing in private place."

"Then why did you answer me?"

"I can't just leave you there, it's more embarrassing."

"Then stop sulking there."

"You know, I can't. How do you think, I can face them again?"

"It's okay, you're not alone anyway." Hwanwoong shrugged and moved closer to Siya. "You have me!" He said, cheerfully as he clung onto her arm. Siya moved away a little bit, as she said, "Can't you see Mr. Kim?" And give a quick glance to Mr. Kim. Hwanwoong on the other hand just chuckle. "He'll get used to it."

Hwanwoong and Siya entered the house of Yeo and was greeted by Hwanwoong's mother. "Welcome home ~ oh, you two, tomorrow will be the wedding plans." She informed them right away. The two shared a surprised glanced, as they looked at the woman in disbelief.

For them, everything happened so fast. They don't even know, where to start thinking on how they end up like that. It was like a dream, that no one knows, when to end. Without sparing another glance to them, Hwanwoong's mother walk toward kitchen and told them, "I prepared something, you might want to eat." Hwanwoong shrugged at Siya and pulled her with him.

ON THE next day, the two pleaded their parents to move the wedding plan on weekend, so they won't missed their class and other announcement. Yesterday, before they were dismissed, the teacher told them; to do not absent, because they will be having a big announcement.

And now they were inside their classroom, waiting for whatever announcement it is. "Class, listen up. Tomorrow, we'll be having the day for you, to join on whichever field you want to join." The teacher told them, she clasps her hands and glances every students. "And next week, would be the starting of our practice. So any, questions?"

Siya raised her hand and was acknowledged. "Ma'am, I don't want to join any. So can I not, attend tomorrow?" The teacher raised her eyebrows at Siya, having an unpredictable look. She chuckled and answer Siya. "Ms. Jeon, it's okay to not join, and not attend tomorrow, but attendance is a must, since the principal wanted everyone to be here, even we have nothing to do, except for those participants."

"But—ma'am, it would be more okay if we stayed home since, we don't do anything. But I have idea."

"What is it Ms. Jeon?"

"I will go here to have my attendance and go home after."

"That's a clever idea, and I should not accept it, but I'll consider that." She chuckle at her own statement, earning a laugh from other students.

"That's the future wife of Yeo Hwanwoong everyone!" Someone shouted, making Siya froze on her seat.

"Yes ma'am, we heard, they're getting married soon." The teacher gasped as the same student continued. "And they just dated yesterday, it's weird."

"Kindly share something to us Siya." The teacher said.

"Uh.. That was all misunderstanding. We're just talking randomly about marriage, also Hwanwoong is just really clingy sometimes and nothing else." She reasons.

"Why should we believe? That it was just random?"

"Because while we're walking through the hallway, I thought randomly about that thing, then told him. And yeah, we talk about it while putting ourselves on the situation and assumed it will happen soon." She shrugged, hiding her nervousness, as she pushed her glasses.

"Oh~" All of the students said, along with their teacher that seemed amazed. "But, why did you suddenly, thought about it?" She asked Siya, curiously.

I'm on the verge of knocking out all of you. Siya stopped herself from releasing a loud long sigh and answered. "My friend and I had a little conversation the night before, she told me that her older sister is getting married. That's the reason." The teacher nodded.

Serim chuckled lowly at her seat and turned her head to Siya, giving her, her devilish smile. Siya kicked her chair as she death glared her. At their lunch, Hwanwoong and Siya decided to take their lunch at the rooftop.

"You know what? My classmates just interrogate me at our homeroom class." Siya told Hwanwoong with mouthful, pointing her spoon on him, that made him chuckle. "And it's all because of that, wedding freak—and that embarrassing moment yesterday." She added.

Hwanwoong pinched her cheek and laugh aloud. "Stop being whiny, don't mind them anymore." Siya rolled her eyes, stuffing her mouth with the food Hwanwoong brought for her. "Here take this." Hwanwoong spoon her the piece of kimchi, Siya not minding it anymore since, they were already in relationship and it's normal for her now.

The two enjoyed their lunch, talking about how their class went, and plan for another tomorrow. "I'm joining dance tomorrow." Hwanwoong informed Siya.

"I'm not joining any, after I check my attendance, I'll go with you." Hwanwoong's eyes twinkled in happiness and hugged Siya, planting a long sweet kiss on her forehead.

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