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Another days had passed, after the incident Jihan didn't showed up on them, but still visit Siya every early in the morning, just to say sorry and told Siya to wake up. Saying she's very sorry to what she did. And on her luck, she never get caught by anyone.

"Siya, it's been six months. Don't you missed me?" Hwanwoong asked, hoping for the girl to finally open her eyes. "Our friends missed you too already, you know that because they always visits you." Hwanwoong faintly smiled and caress her hand gently.

"I will wait for you, until you woke up. I'll wait, even if it will take forever." The smile is still there, despite of the rolling tears on his face. "Remember when I claimed you as my servant?" He chuckles. "It feels like yesterday, but now you're already my Queen. If you woke up, I will hug you so tight, and will shower you with my kisses. I won't let go of you, and will.." Hwanwoong tried his best to hold back his tears, but it's not working.

As the tears flow, he continued. "Never leave you, I'll make sure, you're always there. I won't loosen my grasps on your hand, and I will never let anyone.. take you away from me... just please, wake up soon, Siya. I don't know exactly hows my life doing right now."

He wiped his tears and added. "I'll be back, Siya. I still have work, I'll miss you." He kissed Siya's forehead and glance at her one more time before leaving the room.

Hwanwoong got a job on his parents' company, but he wasn't there because of his parents, he was there because he applied there, he didn't get any favour from his parents. All he have right now is because of his being hardworking. Sometimes to distract himself from thinking of Siya, Hwanwoong busied himself on work, that turns out for him to get sick.

He always spent his night on hospital, talking about how his day went on his work to Siya. He always talk to her, tell her many stories that we can't count using our fingers, and joke on her. Even if he looks like crazy, he don't mind, his' is to make Siya feel she's not alone.

He also spent his day off at the hospital. Without feeling boring, Hwanwoong stayed beside Siya, and aimlessly wait for her to wake up. Hwanwoong will only go home to changed his clothes, clean their house and cook for his dinner.

"Sir Yeo, is always like that, he always stared at the picture, who is she?" One of the employee asked her coworker, pointing Hwanwoong, whose mindlessly holding Siya's smiling picture. Her coworker sighed and watched Hwanwoong.

"She's his wife, comatose because of accident. I heard that, she got comatose when they were still at college."

"Oh.. How long it is already?"

"I think, it already reached year. Because Mr. Yeo, is already 9 months here." The girl nodded, showing her sympathy to the solemn boy.

On the other side, Seungmin were still hurt about what he found out that day, when Hwanwoong poured his anger on Jihan. He meet Jihan, two weeks after it, to make their break up official, even though he's already starting to love Jihan as what he did to Siya before. He's still can't accept the fact that, Jihan betrayed him.

The reason why he told it to Jihan is because, he was thinking that maybe, if he told it to Jihan, she would help him, because she's one of the closest friends of Siya, back then. He never thought, Jihan made him like her not because she like him, but because she only want the person he likes the most to got hurt, because of her ugly enviousness.

"Siya, you're more than one year laying there, already. Don't you feel stiffness? If I were you, I would stand up and jump to the sky." Seungmin joke and chuckle bitterly. "I am a prosecutor now. And also a photographer." He told her, and press his lips together to stopped himself from tearing up.

"If you woke there, you can start your job as an artist. You can start painting everything that comes up to your mind, and show your masterpiece on in the world." He paused. "You're so lucky to have Hwanwoong. Imagine his course is already difficult, but still he grabbed the opportunity to do your lessons, even it's really far from his course, just so you can finished college." He smiled.

"Maybe, we're not really for each other. And.. I already accept it. I just want you to know, that I liked you too—I loved you, since you still didn't met Jihan. I was really coward, that time. But I think, it has a reason. I guess, you're really meant for Hwanwoong.." He bitterly chuckle and looked up to Siya. He found Siya tearing up, and few seconds after, her eyes fluttered open. "S-Siya? You've awaken!" He exclaimed happily.

Siya turned to his direction and hold his hand. She cleared her dry throat and speak. "Thank you for loving me, and thank you for everything you've done for me and Jihan." She cried. "She was a poor lady Seungmin, her heart is full of hatred and jealousy, that's why she did it, she's from a broken family, that's why she don't want see someone happy, even her friends. Because she was betrayed by her friends too, I just knew that few months ago, while I'm still unconscious here." She told him.

"What are you trying to say Siya?"

"Maybe you only feel you don't like her anymore, because you felt betrayed. But Seungmin, she still love you."

"What? I don't understand."

"I can hear you guys, I just can't open my eyes and move my body even finger, but I'm aware on everything. Jihan do visit me, she's actually always the first person to visit me. She told me everything why she did those, and that she still love you up until now." She smiled at him. "I know, you still love her. Your relationship with her last for four years, so it's hard to dump your feelings with her."

Seungmin smiled and hug Siya, carefully. "Thank you for telling me these." He pulled out and told Siya that she will inform the doctor and Hwanwoong that she's already awake. And moments after, doctor came checking on her with wide smile.

"Mrs. Yeo, we're so glad that you're finally awake." Siya smiled back and after the doctor left, Hwanwoong dashed to her, engulfing her on his embraced and tears of joy, freely escaped on the corners of their eyes.

"I missed you so much Siya." When he pulled away, even Seungmin was there, Hwanwoong kissed Siya all over her face that made Siya chuckle. And lastly, kissing Siya on the lips for so long with 'muah' sound at the end. Seungmin's mouth agape as he blinked few times, to process what he saw. "Doctor told me, within few days, you can already go home."

Seungmin cleared his throat, catching the attention of the two. "I'm still here, you guys might forget." They laugh altogether and talk a lot. One by one, Siya's friends came along with their parents. The room filled with different dramas and Siya could feel Hwanwoong's excitement and happiness.

When Siya got discharged, her body is already back to its normal state. Her energy and strength is back to her. "I missed this mattress." She said, spreading her arms on the bed and swayed it like a kid. Hwanwoong laugh and jumped on the bed joining Siya.

"I missed you more." With that, Hwanwoong hovered Siya wriggling his eyebrows playfully and slowly, he leaned his head to Siya. "I love you."

"I love you too, thank you for waiting." She answered and kiss Hwanwoong. He kissed her back and their night was filled with their warmth radiating to each other and that's..

The end.

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