Chapter 8

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Siya guided Hwanwoong to sat up, making him take his medicine. After he gulped two capsules, Siya told him to lay back as Siya, lay with him, engulfing him with her embrace. Siya pat Hwanwoong's back, slowly making him fall asleep. If there's no thunder, they could possible hear their wilding heart, because of closure.

Siya just ignored it, trying to tell herself that Hwanwoong needed it. Siya didn't let go of Hwanwoong, until both of them fell into deep slumber. Couple of hours later, Siya got awakened and was about to got up, when she felt Hwanwoong's arms on her waist. Her heart beat speed up, as she gently removed it, sitting up. She got out of the comforter and cover Hwanwoong, whose peacefully sleeping.

Siya collect the materials she used, putting it back to its place. She removed the tray that has the medicines, small jar, glass and the bowl Hwanwoong used, and put it at the chair, replacing it with Hwanwoong's project and other materials, she looked up at the wall clock and saw it's already past eight in the evening.

She brought the tray back to the kitchen, and put back the things on where she get it. Intruding Yeo's kitchen, Siya cooked another soup, and while waiting for it to boil. She called Yeeun and informed her, that she's on Hwanwoong's house, and told her that Hwanwoong is sick, so she decided to stay.

She was checking the soup, decreasing the heat, tasting it when suddenly, the lights turned off and a thunder sound was heard, causing for Siya to jump on scared. She put down the spoon, turning off the stove. She turned around to go to Hwanwoong's room, and a scream of frightened Siya echoed the whole house.

A hand covered her mouth. "Shut up, it's just me, Hwanwoong." When Hwanwoong removed his hand, Siya sigh in relief. Hwanwoong lit up the emergency light inside the kitchen, giving them access to see the surrounding. Siya approach Hwanwoong worriedly. "Why, are you up? Are you still having, colds? Do you have runny nose? Do you still feel cold? How are you feeling?"

Siya, wait for Hwanwoong to response, worried lacing on her tone as she check Hwanwoong's temperature. She tilted her head to see Hwanwoong's face, feeling scared when the boy isn't answering. Hwanwoong pulled Siya into a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Thank you for worrying, but I feel good now." He said, with a smile.

He released Siya on his hug and plopped on the chair. Siya grabbed a bowl, transferring the soup and put it down on the table. They eat silently, only the rain making noise. Hwanwoong talk, breaking the silence. "Just stay here for a night, you can borrow my clothes." He told Siya.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And since we sleep together this afternoon, let's share my bed later." He smiled. Siya nodded, feeling her face burning up. Siya can't help her self, but to feel more flustered. After they finished, Siya give Hwanwoong a medicine and they both went up, through his room.

"Here—get these." Hwanwoong throw Siya his sweatpants and a loose shirt. Siya go to his bathroom, and changed there inside, after it, she folded her uniform and put it on the corner of the sink inside. She laid down beside Hwanwoong, closing her eyes as she fell asleep on his side.

Hwanwoong, who was still awake, turn his head to see Siya, softly snoring. Hwanwoong chuckle, and pulled the comforter up to their chest, moving closer to Siya, he wrapped his arms on her shoulder, pulling her more close to him. Sharing their warmth, Hwanwoong closed his eyes, and found himself on his dreamland with Siya.

Suddenly on the middle of the night, Hwanwoong had a bad dream and hoist up. Catching his breath heavily. Siya felt the sudden movement and looked up, to see Hwanwoong running his hands through his hair. She sat up and put her hand on his back. "Are you okay?" Hwanwoong turned to her and hug her.

"I thought, I lost you." Siya frowned and pulled out from the hug, confused. "What do you mean, you lost me?" Hwanwoong took a deep breath and tell Siya his bad dream. "I had a bad dream, a while ago. On my dream, we're both at the forest and suddenly it rains, the wind is so strong. We're walking to find a help, then someone get you away from me, I keep on looking for you, but I didn't found you." A teardrop escaped on Hwanwoong's eyes.

Siya envelope Hwanwoong in her arms, assuring him. "Its okay, don't cry. I'm right here on your front." Hwanwoong hug her back, still feeling scared. Siya felt the weight on her shoulder, and found Hwanwoong asleep. He laid him down, slowly and did the same, until the two of them started to snore.

At the morning, Hwanwoong is the first one to wake up. He found himself hugging Siya, and her arms on his waist. After some time, Hwanwoong decided to get up, even though he wanted it to long last. He go to his bathroom and start washing up.

Hwanwoong wore his clothes, drying his hair using his towel, he got out of the bathroom and saw Siya sitting up on his bed, while rubbing her eyes. "Good morning." Hwanwoong greeted, Siya hummed in response, wanting to sleep more, feeling comfy on Hwanwoong's bed.

She laid down again, sniffing the scent of the bed. It took a minutes for Siya, before everything process on her head. She's not on her room, and the person who greeted her is not her parents nor Yeeun, but Hwanwoong. She sat up, immediately, wide awakened glancing Hwanwoong.

"I-I sleep here?"

"You're probably not drunk last night, to forget that." Hwanwoong chuckle at her, shaking his head playfully, while Siya became dumbfounded. "Hey, what's wrong? It's not that, we did something mysterious." Hwanwoong shrugged. Siya's mouth fell apart, blinking in disbelief.

Siya, feel the heat coming to her face as she run back to the bed, covering her body using the comforter and bury her face at the pillow, wanting to scream. "This is embarrassing." She said, her voice muffled. Hwanwoong laugh at her silliness and grabbed the comforter.

He hold her shoulder and pulled her out of the bed. "Come on, it's just the two of us, don't worry." He brought Siya to the bathroom and pushed her inside, throwing her another clothes. "Go wash, I'll buy us breakfast on the near cafe." Siya knitted her brows, still hearing the sound of rain. "But it's raining!" She shouted.

"I'll bring umbrella!" He shouted back and Siya, did what Hwanwoong told her to do, to wash up.  She didn't make it long, and changed to another clothes of Hwanwoong again, she look at the mirror to find her reflection, wearing Hwanwoong's clothes. She smiled at the view and got out of the bathroom, heading towards the kitchen.

When she was at the stairs, she watch Hwanwoong prepared the breakfast he bought. Reminding herself to focus on the way, just being cautious about the incident, last day, she found herself standing across Hwanwoong. "Let's eat!"

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