Chapter 3

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•His mother

Siya put the rest of the plastic bag at the table, feeling thirsty. "Hi~ are you, Hwanwoong's friend?" A lady in her forty's came in the kitchen. Siya smiled and bow before she shook her head. "No, I'm his ser—"

"Yeah, she's my friend mom." Hwanwoong said, cutting Siya as he pulled Siya with her. "Mrs. Yeo, I'm not his friend, I'm just his hardworking servant!" Siya shouted at the stair, while Hwanwoong is still pulling her. They heard his mother laugh, and Hwanwoong brought her at his room.

"And what else do you need?" Siya put her both hand on her hips, arching a brow. Hwanwoong throw his bag at his bed and sat beside it, he opened his bag and grabbed the cupcakes he received this afternoon from a random student. He beckoned Siya, and hand it to her.

"Eat these."

"I already —"

"Eat it already, you need to do my homework."

"Homework?!! Are you crazy?! Its yours!"

"Is my servant complaining?" Siya rolled her eyes, accepting her defeat as she sat beside Hwanwoong. "Give your homework now, so I can go home early." Hwanwoong gave his notebook to Siya, she lazily grabbed it and start working on it, while munching the cupcake.

Hwanwoong grabbed a cloth inside his closet and went to bathroom to changed. When he finished, he get his phone and laid down on his bed. He just scroll down to his media account until he got tired. Siya on the other hand, finished Hwanwoong's homework in just a matter of time, mentally thanking Allison for helping her understand the lesson.

"Done. Do you need something else?" Hwanwoong shook his head, getting the notebook away from Siya's hand. Siya stood up, stretching her arms and body. She grabbed her bag, throwing the paper of cupcake in the trash bin. Siya got out of Hwanwoong's room, the boy followed behind and headed downstairs.

"Hey! Come here, I bake a cake you might want." Hwanwoong's mother offer, Siya smiled and shook her head along with her arms. "Its okay, Mrs. Yeo. I'm still full, I just eat three piece of cupcake." Siya said, but Hwanwoong push her towards the kitchen.

"You can still stuff it to your stomach, beside you didn't finish your lunch, because of your clumsiness." Hwanwoong told her at her back and soon Hwanwoong let go of her back, and told her to sit down. Siya smiled awkwardly to Hwanwoong's mother as she introduced herself.

"I'm glad, to have you here." Hwanwoong's mother said, a warm smile plastered at her face, slicing the cake. "Thank you." Said Siya. "Hwanwoong, you're good at picking the high quality ingredients and such amazing kid for buying everything." Hwanwoong's mother, complimented Hwanwoong and made Siya cough purposely.

"Uh, can I have water?" Siya asked, and Mrs. Yeo told her, where the glasses are. She looked back at Hwanwoong whose giving her death glare. She sat back to her seat, and start eating the cake. "This is so, delicious Mrs. Yeo."

"Thank you~"

"You're a very kind person, I wonder where—" Hwanwoong covered her mouth immediately, giving her a look. Siya, give a disappointed look and continue to eat, while Mrs. Yeo softly giggle at them. "I know what she meant, Woong. And me too, Siya. I'm wondering how you became his friend." Mrs. Yeo said.

"Mom!" Hwanwoong whined, being pouty. Siya chuckle, poking Hwanwoong's cheek, that caught him off guard. "You're cute, but that doesn't change anything. You're still annoying." Siya told him, crossing her arms.

"And I don't know too, if we're friends, Mrs. Yeo." Siya added and lean forward to Mrs. Yeo, covering her mouth using the back of her hand, she whispered. "I'm—" Before she could even continue, Hwanwoong gripped to her uniform and pull her back to her seat.

"You'll crumpled my uniform!" She whisper-yelled to Hwanwoong.

"I don't care, you better finish your cake now." He deadpanned, chewing the cake. Siya nonchalantly eat the cake until she finished. "Thank you for the cake, Mrs. Yeo, ba-bye~" She waved her hand and walk outside. Mr. Kim said he'll dropped off Siya to her house, so she waited for Mr. Kim.

She told her address and thanked Mr. Kim. Few minutes after she finished changing her clothes, her phone rang. She press the green button and put it on her ear. "Yo, Yeeun~"

"Yo, Siya. I'm going there, in 5 minutes. Just informing you, bye~Yeeun hung up the call, leaving Siya with no choice. A knock on Siya's door was heard, she got up to open it and found Yeeun outside. "How's school?" Yeeun asked.

"Well, Ye, I'm just experiencing my crisis. This guy that I told you, the one who help me at bookstore. Just made my life more difficult." Siya continued to rant, and tell everything that happened to her on Yeeun as Yeeun listen and laugh at her story.

Yeeun also shared her story about the event on her school and they just talk, until their topic became nonsense. Out of the blue, Changmin popped up on Siya's mind. "I forget to mention Changmin to you, Ye."

"Who is Changmin?" Yeeun asked in curiosity.

"He's the guy who helped me on the cafeteria, he's cute. He also has dimple, he's really charming and really sweet." Siya's eyes twinkled, her hands clasps together, thinking about Changmin. Yeeun snort at Siya and spoke. "So you mean, you like him?"

"What? Uh.. actually not, I just like him as a friend." Yeeun nod, asking further questions until it's already late, and her time of leaving came. She bid her goodbye and got out of the room. Siya headed towards kitchen, eating her dinner together with her parents.

She went up to her room, and fell into deep slumber. In the morning Siya prepared her school stuffs, after taking a bath, she ate her breakfast. Using bus Siya arrived to her school, early like yesterday. Hoping to not see Hwanwoong, the boy again appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you planning to hide from me?" Siya jolt up, clutching to her uniform, she turned around and saw Hwanwoong smiling playfully at her. "You'll kill me." Hwanwoong linked his arm on Siya's shoulder, and they walk together. "Don't ever try of hiding, or escaping, that's no use." He said, keeping his head straight ahead, making Siya sigh in defeat.

Finally Siya reached her classroom, Hwanwoong released his arm and waved at Siya, who did the same. When she entered the classroom, all eyes were on her. She sat down to her seat and her classmate that is on her front, turn to her direction.

"Are you and Hwanwoong dating? You know, I like him so much and I'm so jealous on you." The girl said, resting her chin on her forearm as she put it on Siya's table, who was taken aback on her sudden confession.

"You know what? Nothing to be jealous about, we're not dating. And even if we're not dating, you still don't put your hopes up, you'll get hurt." Siya told her calmly, trying sooth the feelings of the girl.

"But, I like him so much."

"I understand, you can approach him and told him." She suggested, and the eyes of her classmate lit up. The girl cupped her face, squeezing it. "Thank you for that advice! But what if, he don't feel the same?" The girl retrieve her hands and give a sad look.

Siya pat her shoulder gently. "Then, that's maybe because, you're not meant for each other, there's so many good guy, you can still choose the right one." She said, giving her a reassuring smile.

"You're right!"

"No, I'm Siya." And they laugh.

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