Chapter 7

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•The caring you•

Siya and Hwanwoong take a bus, since Mr. Kim go home early no one will drive them off. And when they reach the house, Siya invited Hwanwoong inside, she headed to her room and changed her clothes. After it she got back to the living room. "Do you want to stay longer, or you're going home now? Because it's already late." Hwanwoong thought about it for a moment. "I think, I should go home now, are you fine all alone?"

Siya nodded, flashing him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Hwanwoong stepped out of the door, looking back at Siya. "Bye~ take care!" He smiled at her and jog away. Siya locked the door and went back to her room. She plopped down to her bed and slipped inside her warm blanket, putting her glasses at the nightstand.

SIYA YAWNED, stretching her arms as she look for her glasses and wear it. She get her towel and do her morning routine. Taking a quick breakfast, Siya got out of their house and headed to bus stop. When she reach her school, Siya looked up, finding no sun at all. It was gloomy day, when Siya entered the school, enveloping herself using her jacket.

On their homeroom, Siya listen to her teacher carefully, on announcing something for upcoming event. "We're having intramurals next month, and there is different field to join to, here's the list." The teacher raised her hand, waving the bond paper she's holding. She distribute it to them, row by row.

"As you can see, there is: dance competition, could be dou, alone or by group, next; is different sports, so it's written there on how you can join and on where, you'll go to join. We also have Ms. and Mr. Intramural 2020. And any further information is all there at the paper you're holding. That's all for today, and an advisory for tomorrow Thursday, there's no class until Friday, because of upcoming typhoon, please take care. You're all dismissed." After the teacher left, the classroom was replaced with different chatter about the upcoming event.

Siya and Allison left to go to their next class, as they have the same second period class and have some small talk before the teacher arrived. After they got dismissed on their second period, they go to cafeteria together and sat on the same table. Not like usual, Hwanwoong came and join them on their lunch.

"What brought you here?" Asked Siya, raising her eyebrows to Hwanwoong waiting for response. Hwanwoong looked at her with bored look. "To have lunch, what else?"

"But you don't usually sit with us."

"Am I not allowed then?"

"Aren't you eat somewhere else, and not here?"

"Yeah, but I want to join you today and next, next next lunch."

"And why?"

"Because I want to."

"And why, do you want to?"

"Because I wanted. And don't forget who's the master here, you're supposed to be the one to go and eat with me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Of course, you should do that because you're my servant, and servants should stay with their master."

"Uhm.. excuse me, lovey dovey, can you two lower your voice? Or just eat your lunch? All attentions were on both of you now." Allison told them, as they looked around to see, that the students were really watching them, confused on what they've heard. "They're whispering, about that servant and master thing of both of you." Allison added.

Hwanwoong and Siya zipped their mouth, quietly eating their lunch. Hwanwoong move forward towards Siya and whisper. "I'll wait for you later." Siya nod as Hwanwoong lean back to his seat, taking another spoon of his meal. As the bell rang, every students in cafeteria including Siya and others, left for their next class.

The time run fast, as for the other students it feels like eternity. Siya got out of her room and found Hwanwoong, patiently waiting for her, whilst leaning on the wall. Hwanwoong met Siya's gaze and smile, unknowingly he grabbed Siya's hand, well for both of them, it's just a simple gesture, unlike the other students, whose eyeing them like they were doing the PDA.

When they arrived, Mr. Kim told Hwanwoong, that he'll go home early. They were now inside Hwanwoong's room, and Siya waited for Hwanwoong to finished changing just to know, what other thing Hwanwoong will ask her to do. "Look at these, and do it." Hwanwoong handed Siya a tons of paper, and Siya examined it.

Siya's lips curled up, gazing Hwanwoong with proud smile. "Be thankful, I'm good at art. The instruction is draw the missing part of the given, human figure. But, suck. It's science." Siya's face turned to annoyed one. She read it carefully, and prepare the materials. "I need coloring materials, and pencil." She looked at Hwanwoong.

Hwanwoong groan, forcefully dragging himself up on the bed. "You don't have any there?" He asked, Siya shook her head as 'no'. "Okay wait there, I'll go buy." Hwanwoong grabbed his wallet, and left the room. Siya go near the window and peek outside. It's still gloomy, and it looks like anytime it will pour out the rain.

Minutes had past, Siya growing more nervous, waiting for Hwanwoong. Slowly droplets of rain, becoming more visible, until it became heavy. With wind flowing in the air, trees swaying madly, Siya look for umbrella and decided to follow Hwanwoong. In the street, for almost twenty meters away from the house, Siya found Hwanwoong, shivering while walking so slow because of coldness.

Siya ran to him, removing her jacket and put it on Hwanwoong. The boy squint his eyes, rain blurring his sight as the rain suddenly didn't hit him anymore, and found himself inside the umbrella with Siya side hugging him, giving him enough warmth to lessen the coldness he feels.

When they were at the doorframe, Siya told him to wait for a moment, putting the umbrella on the side, while its folded, Siya quickly made her way on Hwanwoong's room, to get him towel. She got back and hand it to Hwanwoong. He go to bathroom, while Siya mop the floor. When she finished, she made a soup and bring it up to Hwanwoong.

He sat down on bed and sneeze. "Here, I made a soup for you. Take it." Siya told him to go to his study table, to eat the soup. Siya also brought him a water and start doing Hwanwoong's project. While she's focus on the drawing, Hwanwoong kept on sneezing and even cough.

When she finished, she found Hwanwoong lying on his bed, badly shaking. Siya look on her surrounding, getting scared and anxious on what to do. She exhaled and inhaled for three times, calming herself for her to be able to think right. She sat down beside Hwanwoong and put her hand on his forehead.

His temperature must be high, he might be scared. I should not leave him alone, he need warmth. Siya thought, as she pulled the comforter up to Hwanwoong's neck. "Wait for a while." Siya headed to the kitchen and look for some medicine for colds, and fever. She get a tray and put the medicine on it along with the small jar of water. Slowly Siya went upstairs and brought it to Hwanwoong.

You Are My Servant | Yeo HwanwoongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang