Chapter 19

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•Welcome home•

The event ended up, and it's already 6 past in the evening. "Mom gave me the location of our house, let's go?" Hwanwoong told Siya and received a frown from the girl instead of respond. Hwanwoong chuckled as he poke her nose. "We're already married, so we'll be having our new house. And. We got a permit, to have a five days break, from school!" Hwanwoong informed Siya, cheerfully.

"How about our clothes?" Siya asked.

"Our mother brought it there too." Hwanwoong answered, giving Siya an assuring smile and hold her wrist. They bid their goodbyes on the staffs and other friends who are left at the reception, and got out. They were supposed to take taxi, since Hwanwoong has no license yet, but then Mr. Kim is there, smiling towards them.

He beckoned them to come. "Congratulations to both of you." Mr. Kim said as they enter the car. "Time flies really fast, I could still remember the first day I saw you two together. You both seemed to be not, to get along." He chuckle along with the married couple.

Mr. Kim's eyes were on the road, but still talked to them and tell them life advice and lessons. "Marrying is one of the best thing we can do on our life. Once you get married, it means you'll be independent, but tied up with your partner." He smiled as he continued.

"There you'll learn that, life as a wife and husband was never easy, but—one of the greatest thing, we can be. Acceptance should be always on the top of our mind. Whatever our partner could give us, enough or not, should be accepted. Because efforts are always there.

"Trust and believe should be shown, care must be too." Siya and Hwanwoong listen to Mr. Kim intently, and mentally noting everything he says. "Support is one of the way to show that we believed them, and the most important thing is love, you made a vow and promised to each other, in front of God. It should be kept, forever.

"Married life has a lot of trial, that's why understanding should not be put aside, and must always be in our heart. No matter how hard it is, endure it because you two became one in the name of love, and that only tell us, we're not alone, we'll never be alone in whatever thing we'll do. That we will face those hardship with the person we cherish the most.

"So I hope you two, will be more understanding to each other, so no one will ever regret and blame that you found each other. Got it?" Hwanwoong and Siya shared a glance and smiled at Mr. Kim.

"Got it!" They exclaimed. As Mr. Kim continued to focus on the road, the two at the backseat fell silent. Siya fall asleep, head on Hwanwoong's shoulder. Hwanwoong yawned and slip his left arm on Siya's waist. He lay his head on Siya's and fell into slumber as well.

Mr. Kim glances them using the rear mirror and a smile came across his face. He adored them so much, not because he could see himself on them, but because their story is one of the thing he wished to happen, but sadly not granted. As the person he loved, left for a lifetime, leaving Mr. Kim wonder on the past, where they smile, laugh and cry together.

After for almost more than one hour, Mr. Kim reached the address Hwanwoong's mother showed him, including the quite big house. Mr. Kim wake Hwanwoong, and Hwanwoong wake Siya. They got out of the car and looked at the house in awe. "Woah! This is too big for small Hwanwoong." Siya joked, earning a laugh from the said boy and Mr. Kim.

Hwanwoong put his shoulder on Siya's, squeezing her and said, "I should not be mad, since my wife is small too." He chuckle. Siya make a face and that made Hwanwoong laugh more. Mr. Kim just stood there watching them, as he smiled at them. Hwanwoong hand the key his mother gave him to Mr. Kim and wait for him to open the gate.

Siya have a little struggle on entering the house, because of her gown and lift the bottom part of gown. She entered the house following Hwanwoong and Mr. Kim whilst panting. "I'll bring here your other things tomorrow." Mr. Kim said as he composed himself, preparing to leave. "And some of your clothes, including the uniforms were already at your room."

Hwanwoong and Siya nodded as understanding. Hwanwoong sent Mr. Kim outside and watch him gone on his sight, as he go back inside. "Welcome home!" Siya greeted, upon his first step at the doorframe. Hwanwoong laugh, putting his both hand on his chest. Siya also broke into laughter and clutch on her stomach.

"You're really amazing Siya." Hwanwoong praised as he keep on laughing and walk towards her. "Come on, let's change our clothes first." He said, pointing onto their gown and tux. Siya gave a quick nod as respond and clung on Hwanwoong's arm.

When they got inside their master bedroom, Siya jumped on it spreading her arms. Hwanwoong started to unbuttoning his clothes to change into something comfortable as Siya frown. "You should change on bathroom." She told Hwanwoong, who show a confused reaction. "What?"

"We're already married."


Hwanwoong inhale a thick amount of air and told her a bible verse. "Genesis 2:24, 25: 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.' Understand?" Siya narrowed her eyes at Hwanwoong and sat up.

She crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows. "Okay." Was all she could say, watching Hwanwoong. The smiling Hwanwoong turned into confused one as he gave a questioning look. "Change now, you said, we should not be ashamed, so... I'll just watch you." Siya said and a smile creep out of her face. Hwanwoong's eyes widened thinking, whether to change there or not, but in the end, he shrugged off the thought and change his clothes.

Siya played with her fingers waiting for Hwanwoong to finished. "Are you done?" She asked and Hwanwoong nodded. "Can you unzip my zipper at the back?" She pointed the zipper of her gown at the back and wait for Hwanwoong to unzipped it. After it, Siya hold her gown and told Hwanwoong to get her a clothes to wear.

"Thank you~" She said softly after feeling comfortable on her clothes. Hwanwoong pat his side, telling Siya to lay beside him. "We won't eat anymore?" Siya asked, hugging Hwanwoong, so do Hwanwoong tightening his grasp.

"We just eat." He reply, chuckling at Siya, who pouted. "Okay-okay, let's go down. And see if there's food." When they opened the fridge, they saw nothing, they also check the cabinets but there's nothing too. They both sighed sharing glance. "Mom said, they will send us money for our daily, since we're still studying, she might add for our grocery and bills." He informed her.

The two decided to eat something on near convenience store as they realized something. "Isn't this store, located near school?" Hwanwoong asked. Siya looked at it and at the other direction of the street, realizing the same, when a building of their school catches her attention.

"Yeah, you're right. We can just walk through the school." She smiled and they entered the store to bought a snack.

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