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It was on a very cold morning; the wind was blowing which made the weather even worse. The grey dark clouds up the sky seemed to be chasing each other and all this made it difficult to tell what time of the day it was.
''Derrick, you have been indoors today. Come out and see who is here to see you,'' his mother voiced out from outside where she was sweeping the surrounding. ''Who is here to see me especially that the weather is very bad,'' Derrick said to himself in a very low voice as he uncovered himself with the blanket getting up from the bed.
''Derrick.'' His friend greeted.
''Aaah Stephen, it is you.''
''As you can see.''
''Well I can't see you. Perhaps you are too dark to be seen especially that it is very cloudy today,'' said Derrick teasing his friend.
''We both know that am not as dark as you are. Besides, I could hardly tell it is you because my eyes are still closed,'' retorted Stephen.
''I see. I suppose you just woke up and with your sleepy eyes made your way here. I wonder why you did not even get lost on your way,'' said Derrick as he stretched his hands, first his right this way then another that way.
''Are we just going to be standing? Why not get two chairs?'' ''Who knows am doing it on purpose just to send you back home so that I can get back to sleep?'' said Derrick smiling as he brought two chairs. ''Well, in that case, I wouldn't mind being here for the whole day so that you do not get a chance to get back to sleep.'' The two friends burst out laughing.
''Derrick,'' called out Asiah, Derrick's mother from the kitchen.
''Yes mom.''
''Come and get tea for the both of you.'' Derrick rushed to the kitchen and came back with two cups of tea. The two exhausted the tea just in a minute.
At last, Stephen announced he had to rush home for some work. ''I will come and see you in the afternoon,'' Derrick said. ''Exactly what time will be that?'' ''You are asking as if you have any other friend that can visit you?'' said Derrick studying his friend's face. ''Well, you need not to be so sure.'' ''And where is that coming from?'' ''Okay, admitted. You are my only friend other than my girlfriend. ''Oh, I see. How is she by the way?​ Asked Derrick raising his eyebrows. ''She is fine and am planning on seeing her this afternoon. That is why am asking you what time you will come home.'' ''No worries there my friend, you should link up with her. I will come and see you tomorrow.'' ''Alright then if you say so,'' Stephen agreed. ''And do you know what?'' Derrick asked sounding serious. ''No, I do not know, tell me.'' ''It is strange how we are friends, good friends and yet I have never met your girlfriend.'' ''It is all your fault.'' ''How?'' asked Derrick raising his shoulders in surprise. ''Forgot our agreement? I will remind you. Until you too get yourself a girlfriend, you will never see mine, got that?'' Stephen assured his friend.
''You know how I can be when it comes to girls. I don't know if I should say am scared of them or something.'' ''Well and good.'' ''Is that all you can say? Okay, at the very least, let me know her name.'' ''A big NO,'' said Stephen as he walked away. Derrick was left alone and he went back to his room smiling to himself.

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