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That night, Taphen could not sleep. She was awake all-night thinking about Stephen. ''What must Stephen be thinking of me now. Could this be a planned move? No, Derrick could not have done such a thing. I must talk to Stephen and explain to him that it is not what he thinks. I know that Stephen is very upset with me,'' Taphen thought. She tried to fall asleep but was constantly facing different directions; to the left, then right, back to the left and just like that. The more she thought, the more worried she became. To get these bad thoughts out of her head, she began thinking of happy moments ever spent with Stephen.
The very first thought that struck her mind was when her mother was not home and she was all alone. That is the day that Stephen asked her if he could visit her. The two were just ordinary friends by then. Stephen visited Taphen around 4pm. They both sat in the living room where they watched movies. An hour later, Taphen decided to go to the kitchen to prepare some food for Stephen. She cooked macaroni and fried some eggs. Stephen remarked it was his first time he had to taste macaroni mixed with eggs but he did admit that the meal was sumptuous. When Stephen announced to leave, Taphen said it was too early, that was around 6pm. An hour later, Stephen rose to go and Taphen escorted him. He showed her where he stayed and took her back home because it was already dark. For a good bye, Taphen stretched out her hand for a hand shake but Stephen refused. He hugged her with his arms on her waist then slowly lowered them down on her. Taphen put her arms around his neck in return. Stephen then whispered to Taphen that he could feel her boobs on his chest.
Taphen smiled to herself and somehow forgot all about the bad day. She did not even realize when she fell asleep.
The following morning, Taphen woke up with a very bad headache. She did not tell her mother anything because she did not want to be stopped from doing the chores. Since there was no water coming out from the taps at home, she took a bucket and went to the main borehole. After filling her bucket with water, she sat down on a rock as the headache became more and more severe. ''I think this must be a good chance to talk to Stephen,'' said Taphen as she headed to his place. However, she did not know how to get him talk to her. Lucky enough, she saw Justine playing outside alone. Justine was fond of Taphen. At times, Taphen would take him to her house and play with him.
''Come child,'' Taphen called out in a low voice.
''Taphen. I am very happy to see you. You have come to play with me, right?''
''Yes Justine. But you have to do something for me.''
''Anything, I will do it.''
''Go and call your elder brother for me.'' The little boy ran and went in the house, he came back with Stephen.
''Justine my boy, mind excusing us?''
''No, Taphen,'' he said and turned to go.
''Taphen, why did you come here?''
''Stephen, you have to listen to me, I have come to explain something to you.''
''Explain what Taphen?'' interrupted Stephen.
''What you saw......''
''What I saw is not what it seems to be. Is that so Taphen? There is nothing left to say. I am done with you. Remember the basis of our love?''
''I do. 'Keep no secrets and tell no lies.' That's the basis.''
''Exactly Taphen. So, why then did you go against that? I do not even know why I am still talking to you. Come here, closer.'' Stephen gave Taphen a passionate kiss on her forehead, it was always his strategic way of symbolizing love.
''There is no better remembrance Taphen. That was to symbolize just how much I was madly in love with you. I never expected this from you,'' with that, Stephen went back to his room.
Taphen stood still and tears ran down her face. Slowly, she went back to the borehole. There, she found Ameena.
'','' cried Taphen.
''Taphen, what is the matter?''
''It is over for me. Stephen broke up with me.''
''What! Are you serious? I thought he only needed an explanation.''
''Unfortunately, he did not want to listen to anything I had to say. Ameena, everything has been messed up. I just have to accept it. Love has taught me one paradox in life. If you love someone, let them go and that is exactly what I will do.''
''You are right girlfriend but I also think that those who truly love you will never leave you. Even when there are thousands of reasons to give up, they will always find one reason to hold on to.''

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