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Derrick and Taphen were getting on very well with each other. They became so fond of each other that a day would not pass without them meeting up.
On a Saturday just after Taphen finished with the general cleaning, she had a quick bath, got dressed in readiness to go and see Derrick. Taphen was walking majestically heading for perfect greens unaware of Stephen's mother.
''My daughter,'' Catherine greeted.
''Mother,'' responded Taphen turning back sharply
''it has been long.''
''I have been around mother. Please, let me help with the luggage in your hands,'' she requested.
''I will manage my daughter.''
''Give it. You can remain with the one on your head. Do not refuse me to do my duty.''
''Alright then.''
''There we go.''
''How is your mother?''
''She is fine.''
''I have not heard from her in a while.''
''I heard her saying she would visit you before next week.''
''She will do well. I wonder if there is anyone home, the compound seems vacated.''
''Try to call Justine. If he is home, then someone else is home. He cannot be left alone.''
''You are right.''
''Mother, you are back,'' voiced out little Justine before his mother could call out for him.
''Yes, my boy.''
''Taphen!'' exclaimed Justine loudly running after her.
''I can see that my little king is very happy.''
''Where have you been? I missed you a lot you know.''
''I am sorry darling.''
''Justine, go and call Christine and Stephen.''
''Mother, you are back sooner than expected,'' said Stephen picking up the luggage.
''Hi Steph,'' greeted Taphen.
''Mother, I have to go now. I have some work to do,'' announced Taphen realizing it was best to be out of Stephen's presence.
''So soon Taphen,'' complained Catherine.
''Taphen, please stay a bit longer,'' insisted Christine.
''No Christine, I have to go. I will see you some other time.''
''Even if I asked you to plait my hair?''
''But it seems you just plaited recently, if not yesterday.''
''Christine, let her go. she said she wants to go,'' Stephen said rudely.
''Fine then,'' conceded Christine.
''Taphen is going nowhere. She will stay here and play with me. She is the only one who does that. If all of you do not want to play with me, then why do you have a problem if Taphen wants to,'' cried out little Justine holding Taphen's right hand tightly.
''Listen darling. I have something to do. I promise that I will come and play with you tomorrow as much as you want.''
''Yes, really.''
''Okay bye.''
''Bye,'' said Taphen walking as fast as she could knowing Derrick was waiting for her.
''Taphen stop,'' called out Stephen.
''Stephen, why did you follow me?''
''Thank you for helping my mother but I came to warn you that you should stay away from me. Don't think that you will gain my sympathy by getting close to my family. It will do you no good. I hate you Taphen, I hate you,'' jabbered Stephen.
''Enough Stephen! What I did was just out of humanity. I had no intentions of coming to see you. I understand you hate me but get one thing clear, I have moved on Steph. Excuse me,'' deflected Taphen and walked away. Stephen realized he was wrong. Deep down his heart, he was pleased with Taphen for being generous to his mother. In fact, he got jealous when he heard Taphen mention that she had moved on in life. In a couple of minutes, Taphen was at perfect greens. ''I saw you with Stephen,'' Derrick said without greeting her.
''Derrick, it is not....''
''No Taphen, don't say it. I trust you,'' said Derrick putting a finger on Taphen's lips to silence her.
''I love you Dee,''
''I love you too. You know what I want us to do first?''
''I can guess.''
''Correct. We have never done so.''
''And today, I am not going to feel shy.''
''Enough of talking, action.''
Taphen closed her eyes and for the first time, their lips met. It was a deep kiss. Derrick was a tall handsome guy and Taphen was a short pretty girl which just made it perfect for the two love birds.

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now