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Ameena and Geoffrey set off to Stephen's place. They intended to explain everything to him so that he could make things work with Taphen once again.
''Ameena, Geoffrey and Mercy, what a pleasant surprise,'' greeted Stephen.
''We are happy to be here,'' Ameena said.
''We are not going to remain standing, will we? Follow me to the living room,'' said Stephen leading the way.
''Stephen, am pretty sure that you are surprised to see us here,'' Mercy began.
''Actually, what is more surprising is seeing Ameena and Geoffrey together.''
''Exactly what we are here to explain,'' continued Mercy.
''Interesting, I want to hear it all now.''
''Without wasting much time, I have something for you. I just need you to pay attention,'' Stated Mercy as she took her phone out of her purse. She played the phone call recording whilst everyone remained silent. No sooner had the recording stopped playing than Stephen ran out of the house at high speed.
''Steph, wait! Where are you going?'' shouted Geoffrey running after him. The faster Geoffrey ran, the larger the distance between them increased. Stephen seemed to be running at the speed of light. Steph was actually a good runner but only for a short distance and so he became tired and Geoffrey was almost catching up with him. Geoffrey just caught a glimpse of Stephen's shirt when he fell down. Geoffrey hurt himself badly, he could hardly stand. But with the determination to stop Stephen, he only managed to stand up. Unfortunately, it was too late because Stephen had already disappeared.
When Steph was sure no one was following him, he stopped to rest breathing heavily. Ameena and Mercy came to the scene where Geoffrey injured himself. ''Geoffrey, you are badly hurt,'' Ameena said helping Geoffrey to get up.
''Why did Steph run away like that? I am worried about him," Geoffrey said.
''It was only after listening to the phone record that he violently ran away. Wait, don't you think he might have gone to find Taphen and apologize to her?''
''You are right Mercy, I am pretty sure of that,'' concurred Ameena.
''Ameena, help me take Geoffrey home. He can barely walk,'' requested Mercy.
On the other hand, Stephen was having a tough time to find Taphen. He had always been scared of reaching Taphen's compound, this time seemed he had no choice but to do it. After giving it a little thought, he decided it was worth taking a risk. Opposed to his hopes, he saw Taphen's mother outside. However, that did not scare him.
'''Stephen. Come and have a sit here.''
''No thanks mother. I am looking for Taphen, is she home?'' Nelia was amazed but she understood that it was something really urgent that a young man would come searching for her daughter. Without asking any questions, Nelia said Taphen wasn't home.
'''Did she not tell you where she was going?'' Stephen asked impatiently.
''Ameena's place.''
Stephen understood that Taphen must not have told her mother that she and Ameena were no longer on speaking terms with each other. The only person Taphen would be with at the moment was Derrick and certainly at perfect greens. Stephen quickly hurried to perfect greens. He was not wrong to have thought that but he was wrong to have assumed she was with Derrick. He saw Taphen at a distance and she was by herself. Stephen smiled, he was happy he found the person he was longing to see at a perfect place with a perfect atmosphere suitable for a sincere apology.
''But how am I going to approach her. After what I told her last time, she will surely not stand my presence,'' Stephen thought, his eyes fixed on the ground. When he looked up again, Taphen was not alone anymore. This time, she was with Derrick and the two were romantically involved. Steph felt his heart jump into his stomach. He couldn't just watch Taphen with another man a minute longer. Disappointed, he left without being noticed.

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