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Stephen was feeling downcast since the day that he saw Taphen and Derrick together although he still had some hope left. ''Something has to be done. Taphen can be mine again,'' thought Stephen as he sat down on a four-legged chair methodically holding a stick in his right hand.
''My son, what is bothering you?'' asked Robert who was standing akimbo.
''Nothing dad, I am okay.''
''Are you sure sonny.''
''Yes, Papa.''
''But I have observed a slight change in you for the past three days.''
''I am fine dad.''
''Okay, if you say so.''
''Dad, I am going out to see a friend.''
''Alright son.''
When Stephen came to Geoffrey's house, he found Ameena there who was baby-sitting on Geoffrey. Ameena and Geoffrey were oblivious of Stephen's presence. To get their attention, Stephen cleared his throat. Quickly, Ameena looked up.
''Steph, it is good to see you here,'' Ameena said.
''I hope I did not disturb the two of you,'' remarked Stephen.
''Certainly not. And my guy, what happened that day?'' asked Geoffrey.
''That is what I have come here for. I came to realize that I totally misunderstood Taphen. For everything that happened, her intentions were good. That is why I decided to go and see her. Unfortunately, it was too late,'' narrated Stephen his eyes full of tears.
''What do you mean?'' asked Ameena raising her eyebrows.
''Ameena. I think Taphen has moved on. She is in love with Derrick now. But believe me Ami, Taphen is my world. She means a lot to me. I need your help.''
''Certainly Stephen. But how are we going to help you? We are both aware that even I am not in good terms with her.''
''That is not a problem. I think I have an idea,'' pointed out Geoffrey.
''Tell us already,'' added Stephen anxiously.
''Look Steph, I think Taphen can forgive you if you apologize but first, Ameena must mend her friendship with Taphen so that they are best friends again. Best friends understand each other very well, share emotions and advise each other because they trust each other, am I right?'' explained Geoffrey trying to sound important.
''Indeed. You are right,'' conceded Ameena.
''Okay, I think I understand it all. Ameena, why not go right now,'' suggested Stephen.
''Yes, my love. You go and best of luck. We shall be waiting to hear from you. Meanwhile, Stephen and I will remain here,'' said Geoffrey.
Ameena did not have to walk all the way to Taphen's place as she found her heading to perfect greens. When Taphen saw Ameena, she just said hi and walked away.
Taphen kept quiet, she just turned around and faced her.
''Taphen, can we talk,'' Ameena requested humbly.
''You did not want to talk to me when I wanted to.''
''I know, but please give me a chance.''
''Go on.''
''Taphen I want to apologize. I accused you of stabbing me in the back. I was wrong Taphi. You were only trying to help and that is all. But you know what! I was so silly, so foolish that I accused you of such a despicable thing.''
''Ameena just stop with your drama. You of all people should have listened to what I had to say. You should have trusted me. I am your best friend. Sorry, I was your best friend. You know what I can and cannot do. How could you?''
''I was absolutely wrong Taphen, mistake admitted. I should not have behaved that way. What can I ever do to cover up for my mistake?''
''Nothing Ameena. We can be hi hello friends.''
''Taphi please don't tell me. I will not be able to adapt to that. I want my old best friend back. I miss the old Taphen, always cheerful, caring, social and loving. I miss my best friend. Please don't do that to our friendship,'' cried out Ameena.
If there was one person that was emotional, that was Taphen. She was touched by Ameena's words but brave enough not to accept Ameena's apology out of pity rather out of love.
''Taphen, you have a big heart, won't you at least find some space in your heart to forgive Ameena,'' pleaded Geoffrey.
''Geoffrey, when did you come?'' asked Taphen.
''That matters not. Just look at her, she is truly remorseful.''
Taphen hugged her friend tight. ''Ameena, every friendship has to go through limitations. This was just a test of time. I cannot afford losing you, girlfriend. I love you Ameena. We can forget about everything,'' Taphen said in a clear and soft voice which sounded like she was about to cry and that happened every time she got emotional.
''Taphen, no one be like you. Actually, we have some good news for you,'' announced Geoffrey.
''What are you waiting for?'' Tell me now.''
''Taphen,'' Geoffrey begun, ''Your efforts were not in vain. It worked. Ameena and I are back together.''
''Really! I am so happy for you. I can't contain this happiness,'' exclaimed Taphen with her eyes full of joy.
''You are happy Taphen, what about me?'' retorted someone. It was Stephen.
''Stephen, you!''
''Yes, me Taphen. I have been looking forward to a day that I finally come close to you once again.''
''Stop it Steph! Not another word.''
''Girlfriend, please forgive him just like you did for me,'' Ameena pleaded.
''No Ameena. This is a different issue,'' retorted Taphen.
''Exactly what is going on here? Come babe, let us go,'' Derrick said as he Made his appearance and quickly taking Taphen by her right hand.

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