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Saturday was always a busy day for Taphen. She was the only girl among her three siblings. She never liked it when her mother offered to help with the chores. She preferred handling everything on her own. Sometimes her mother had to scold her a bit if she was to succeed in helping with the chores. Despite that, Taphen would go on saying that her mother did enough of the chores in her young age. Nelia, her mother would argue saying if she just sat home doing nothing, then she would soon grow very old and weak.
What made Taphen's Saturdays very busy was because she did general cleaning that was washing all the kitchen utensils and everything else to remove dust from those that had not been used in a long time. Next, she would clean the house attending to every corner so that no part was left unattended to. Thereafter, she would wash all the curtains, table clothes, her own clothes and sometimes offered to wash her siblings' as well. After that, she would sweep the surrounding. In spite of being held up with so many chores, that did not stop her from cooking. In fact, she enjoyed cooking the most. She was so good at cooking that her mother would say Taphen did it better than her. Taphen was so active at whatever she worked on that one would say that her work alone was equal to the work of three people put together.
At 4pm, she was all dressed up ready to go and meet her friend Ameena.
''Ameena,'' Taphen greeted.
''Taphen, welcome.''
''Thank you, how are you?''
''I am okay. Well, I do not want to do much of talking.''
''Sure, all ready to go.''
The two girls made their way to a special place where they usually spent their leisure time. Their waists vibrated as they took one step after another. It did not take them much time before they arrived at the special place. It was a beautiful place. Its atmosphere was romantic filled with peace and harmony. Usually, young couples would go there. When one was heart burdened, angry or sad, this place would never fail in getting rid of such emotions. The environment was green occupied with more of grass than trees. The flowers there never withered. The 'perfect greens' so was it known.
''So, what are we up for?'' asked Ameena.
''It has been long; am pretty sure you have a lot to tell me about Geoffrey.''
''No, you go first and tell me about Stephen.''
''No, I asked you first,'' insisted Taphen facing the other direction.
''Then we will both be quiet,'' said Ameena also facing the opposite direction. Ameena and Taphen always did this when arguing about something. For some time, no one spoke. ''Okay fine,'' begun Taphen without looking at Ameena. ''About Stephen, I miss him a lot but I promised myself not to see him for the next five days. ''Are you sure about that?'' voiced out someone not Ameena of course as it was a deep man's voice. To her surprise, she turned only to find Ameena not there and in her place stood Stephen. ''Stephen,'' she greeted full of surprise.
''Yes, my love.''
''How long have you been here?''
''That does not matter as long as I am here. Now come on. Stand up and give me a hug. You know I do not allow any other form of welcoming.'' Taphen stood up. ''Awww!'' exclaimed Stephen holding his mouth, with both his hands and taking a few steps backwards. Taphen was shocked. She could not predict Stephen's reaction neither could she tell the reasons for reacting that way. ''What is it?'' she asked taking a careful look at herself. ''You look stunning my girl,'' he remarked at last drawing her close and giving her a tight hug. He placed his hands around her tiny flexible waist while she in turn put her arms around his shoulders. Taphen enjoyed every moment of this. She could smell the perfect fragrance from Stephen's clothes.
''How I wish I could stop time when am with you so that I could be with you forever,'' Stephen said. ''You talk too much Steph,'' Taphen spoke feeling shy. ''You think so?'' ''You know it is very true. And I forgot, where is Ameena?'' She asked dropping her hands down and turning around but with Stephen's arms still wrapped around her waist. ''I did not find anyone else here.'' ''Are you sure?'' ''Of course.''

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