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Crowds of people were matching to their various homes from the market and Taphen was among them. Unknowingly, it happened that Derrick found himself walking side to side with her. And when she saw him, she called out in perplex, "Derrick!"
"Taphen...... what are you doing here?"
"Heading back home. And it's good meeting you, I was lonely here."
"it's good seeing you as well. In fact, I really wanted to see you."
"Yes, really."
"Hmmmm, sounds like it's something important. What is it?"
Before he could say a word, a voice called out, "Taphen!" As she looked behind, there Ameena was, heading towards them in a rush.
"Hey, how are you?" greeted Taphen.
"I am okay Taphen."
"Ameena, how are you?" Derrick broke the ice.
"I am alright, how are you Derrick?"
"I am fine as well." He answered while winking telling her to excuse them.
"Alright you two, I will see you tomorrow. Geoffrey is probably waiting for me."
"Take care girl." Said Taphen as she waved.
"Yes Derrick, what were you saying?
"Well, you see......"
"Speak up, what's the matter?"
"Taphen, I love you but,"
"But what Derrick?
"But we can't go on like this."
"And exactly what do you mean by that?"
''Forgive me Taphen but I think Stephen deserves you. I can't live with this burden anymore. I feel I was unfair to him. Every time I see him, I see the pain and plea in his eyes. Put yourself in my shoes Taphen. Do you think you can date your best friend's boyfriend, Geoffrey in this case? Surely no matter how much you would love him, there will be that conscious haunting you.''
''But Derrick, I thought we were over this by now. Why are you bringing this up now?''
''Taphen, I want you to understand that I love you. I really do. I know I should have considered this in the very beginning but we are all humans and bound to make mistakes. It is only proper that when life gives you a chance to amend your mistakes, then you have to utilize that opportunity.''
''Are you trying to say loving me is a mistake?''
''Aaaaash Taphen. Don't ever say that come here?'' Said Derrick embracing Taphen.
''Listen to me Taphen, loving you is not a mistake, it has never been, it will not be and it can never be. Nevertheless, sometimes sacrifices have to be made because love is not selfish. Understand this from my point of view. Make peace with Stephen,'' pleaded Derrick.
''Derrick, I have heard all you have said but I am sorry to tell you that I can't get back with Stephen. You are simply asking for the moon. As for us, I get it. We can end it here because I love you too and so I have to respect your request. Goodbye then, take care,'' with that, Taphen left.

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now