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Things were going on very well between Geoffrey and Ameena. As for Derrick and Taphen, it was all perfect. Stephen, on the other hand was having a bad time copying up with the facts. Ameena tried everything in her power to convince Taphen to give Stephen a second chance although it was in vain. Stephen was only left with one option, that was to go and talk to Derrick himself.
''My son, where are you going early in the morning?'' asked Robert.
''Dad, am going to see a friend.''
''Derrick I suppose.''
''Yes father.''
''Alright, I have some work for you when you return.''
''No problem dad.''
Stephen strolled out of the compound and made for Derrick's house. He found Asiah sitting on a mat under a tree with her legs stretched.
''My son,'' Asiah greeted.
''Mother,'' Stephen replied.
''How are you?''
''I am well mother. How are you?''
''I am fine. Are you here to see Derrick?''
''He went out. But he will be back soon.''
''I really needed to see him,'' said Stephen sounding worried.
''You can just wait for him then. He won't take long.''
''I hope so,'' replied Stephen looking in all directions.
''Look, there he is,'' voiced out Asiah as she went inside the house. Stephen was relieved when he saw Derrick.
''What are you doing here Steph?''
''Easy Derrick. I am not here to cause you any trouble. Can we talk, please?'' asked Stephen as polite as he could.
''Well then, carry on.''
''It is only proper for you to sit down Derrick.''
Without any arguments, Derrick sat down. ''Talk now. I have something more important to attend to.
''Thanks. The thing is I came here to reason with you. Look Derrick, we have been friends for a long time now. I do not think there is any other friend that knows me better than you do. First and foremost, I refuse that our friendship must end just like that all because of a girl. Isn't that shameful? Please think through, it isn't right. Secondly, I have loved Taphen and always will. Before you interrupt me, let me finish talking. Taphen is all I had Derrick. I know I wronged her and she has every right to move on but not with you Derrick. We were best friends. Did you not consider my feelings? I don't mean to blame you but come on, I could bear see Taphen with any other man other than you. Please, consider me. I really need Taphen back and that is if you will allow it. I am not going to force you. Above all, whatever the case may be, you and I have to reconcile. I have left it all to you now.''
Derrick shifted his gaze from the ground and sharply faced Stephen. ''Are you done jabbering now Steph? If only you knew what you made that poor girl go through, then you wouldn't shamelessly say all that. No one pushed you away from her, you did it on your own accord. Just leave, Stephen. Go! about you and I reconciling, I will take it into consideration but don't dare mention Taphen's name.
''Alright Derrick, thanks for your time. I will be waiting for your feedback regarding our friendship.''
As soon as Stephen left, Derrick went to his room and violently threw himself on the bed. He pretended in front of Stephen but deep down his heart, he felt sorry for Stephen. ''Stephen is right, our friendship has to be given another chance. As for Taphen, I love her and can't let go. Actually, I have to narrate this whole incident to her. Yes, I have to go and tell her right away.'' With that, Derrick hurried to Taphen thinking of what he would say if he found Nelia at home. But that seemed not to be a big deal, he desperately wanted to see Taphen. Right at the entrance of Taphen's compound, Derrick saw Nelia coming towards him.
''Taphen, I will be back in an hour,'' voiced out her mother.
''It is well mother.''
Derrick only managed to hide behind the mango tree before Taphen's mother saw him. Immediately she stepped out of the compound, Derrick saw a chameleon up the tree and he screamed out aloud. For a second, he was too scared to move as he was wondering whether he had to save himself from the chameleon or from Taphen's mother. When Nelia looked back, he saw a young man and asked, ''are you okay son?''
''Yes, I am okay,'' answered the young man looking puzzled. Derrick was filled with relief that he was saved by the young man. ''What kind of a shame would it be had she seen me?'' Derrick wondered as he slowly entered Taphen's compound.
''How are you my love?''
''Am okay. You seem stressed, what is it?''
''It is about Stephen.''
''What about him?''
''He was at my house this morning.''
''To do what?''
''He came to ask me if we could reconcile.''
''What else.''
''His reasons made sense. I think he is right about it.''
''You are right. I have been thinking about it, you guys should be friends again.''
''Wow Taphen, you are outstanding!''
''There you go again.''
''But there is something more. He said that he wants you back.''
'' babe please.''
''I know my love. I just thought it right to tell you about it.''
''You did the right thing love.''
''I have to go Taphi. Your mom might be back soon. I almost got myself into trouble.''
''Yes, really.''
''Details please.''
''You wouldn't want to hear, trust me.''
''I can only imagine.''

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