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Stephen was not happy with the fact that his uncle, Andrew made him stay home. Yes, he was very pleased to have him home but not when he could not get a chance to go out. He was anxious to hear from Derrick and most of all, he missed Taphen a lot. ''I have really missed Taphen, I have not been able to see her for some days now. She must be worried. Who knows what she might be thinking of me now?'' Thought Stephen. Just then, an idea struck his mind.
''Christine, come here,'' Stephen voiced out.
''Yes, brother what is it?''
"Sis, you need to get your hair plaited, it looks untidy,'' remarked Stephen. Christine was surprised, her brother had never been concerned about such a thing.
''Brother, the way you are talking as if you want to plait my hair.''
''Somehow, yes.''
''How? I mean to say that you do not even know how to do it.''
''Listen to me. Go and tell mom that you want Taphen to come here and plait your hair.''
''Right away. Fine brother for me.''
Christine rushed to Catherine and told her that she wanted Taphen to plait her hair.
''Why not? Go now, she is really good at that.''
''But will she not refuse?''
''Certainly not. I know Taphen very well. She is a good girl, cultured and well behaved.''
''Come on mother, did you have to say all that?'' Asked Stephen who had been eavesdropping on mother and daughter. He was very pleased to learn that even his mother was fond of Taphen. He must have made a good choice.
Christine found Taphen winding up with the chores.
''Christine,'' Taphen greeted.
''What a pleasant surprise. How are you?''
''I am fine, how are you?''
''I am well. To what do I owe this surprise?''
''Nothing special, how busy are you?''
''I am not doing anything as of now, I am free.''
''I came to ask you if you can attend to my hair. Just look at how bad it is, even Stephen was laughing at me.''
''Why don't we get started now then?''
''Well, you have to come home with me. I would like it if we do it from there.'' Taphen then realized that this must have been Stephen's doing.
''Okay then let me inform mother about it.'' Taphen went in the house and asked her mother for permission.
''It is well my daughter. My regards to Catherine and tell her I will visit her one of these days.''
''Okay mother.''
When Stephen saw Taphen enter their compound, he went in the house without being noticed. Christine got a reed mat from the kitchen and spread it under the tree. Meanwhile, Catherine was busy cooking in the kitchen.
It did not take Taphen more than three hours to finish plaiting Christine's hair. It was just as if Stephen was waiting for this moment.
''Taphen, you are here?'' Stephen greeted pretending to have been oblivious of Taphen's presence from the start.
''Yes Stephen, how are you?''
''I am fine thanks. I will leave you here, I am going out to see a friend.''
''It is well.''
Stephen strolled out of the compound but when he came to a certain junction, he turned left instead of taking the right path that led to Derrick's place. He stopped to wait for Taphen as he sat down on a very big rock.
''You are finally here,'' Stephen said out of relief.
''Love, I missed you a lot. Where have you been?''
''I am sorry honey for having not showed up for the past few days. That is why today I just had to come up with something. So, tell me darling, what do you think about my brilliant idea?''
''That will not do.''
''I will make it up to you my love.''

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now