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Stephen had sent word for Derrick that he wanted to see him Tuesday afternoon and he had warned him that he would only see him if he had made things work between him and the girl. Derrick and Taphen had met on several occasions and they became very good friends. Nevertheless, Derrick could not find the courage to tell the girl he was in love with her.
''Now, what will I tell Stephen when he comes. I have not told Taphen that I love her. The only way is to go and plead with her if only for today, she can act as my girlfriend. But this will be hard though I will just have to try, perhaps it can just turn out to be permanent.'' With that, Derrick set out to go and see Taphen. He did not have to wait long for her. ''Taphen, I hope you are okay,'' Derrick greeted breathlessly.
''What is the hurry? Is anything the matter?''
''No, actually you see. Well, the thing is......''
''Speak up Derrick, are we not friends?''
''I do not know how you will take this Taphen.''
''Just say it, if I can. I will handle it.''
''Do you promise not to refuse me?''
''If that will make you say it, then I promise.''
Derrick developed some courage and spoke, ''Look Taphen, I want you to come to perfect greens this afternoon.''
''Is that what you were finding so hard to tell me?''
''That is not all.''
''Then say it already.''
''I want you to act as my girlfriend. Before you ask why, let me explain myself.'' Derrick narrated everything and waited to hear what Taphen would say.
''You heard me Taphen.''
''Yes, I did.''
''Then say something.''
''Okay since I do not go back on my words, I will do likewise.''
''Thank you Taphen, thank you.''
''But only today. Let me go home now.''
''See you.''
Taphen got home and did her chores earlier than usual.
''Where are you off to now?'' asked Nelia.
''I am going to see Ameena. Anything you want me to do before I go?''
''No, nothing. You can go.''
When Taphen arrived at perfect greens, she found Derrick already waiting for her.
''You are here already?'' asked Derrick.
''Yes, is your friend not here yet?''
''No, but he will be here soon.''
''Okay,'' said Taphen taking a seat.
''Wait, wait. Do not sit down. Did I see this? Wow! Taphen, you look fabulous. I can't set my eyes off you. And the dress, it is really pretty.''
''Thank you Derrick,'' replied Taphen who was dressed in a long black dress.
''You know what Taphen?''
''No tell me.''
''I do not know much about you and your friend Ameena but I have noticed something different about the two of you.''
''And what's that?''
''You always dress up in long dresses nicely shaping you. I have never seen you dressed in a short dress. For Ameena, that's exactly the opposite, she is usually in dresses barely touching her knees. And just like that, you suit in your styles.''
''What if I decide to start wearing dresses like Ameena?''
''You would still be beautiful and stunning. But I like it this way. Oooh, there he is?''
''Behind you.''
Taphen turned and to her surprise, Stephen stood in front of her. Taphen was shocked. Before she could say anything, Stephen spoke.
''I can see the beautiful girl before you.''
''Yes, my guy. She is the one. Her name is Taphen.''
''Taphen it is nice meeting you,'' said Stephen stretching out his hand.
''Look Derrick, she is shy. Maybe she does not want shaking hands with any guy other than you.'' This made Derrick feel very proud.
''I will not be here for long. I must give chance for the both of you to talk.'' With that, he walked away.

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now