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Derrick had just finished attending to his small garden he had made behind their house. He never allowed for his mother to lack vegetables. In fact, he refused to eat if he was offered food without vegetables. There were all kinds of vegetables in his garden, his mother just had to choose from the variety. When he came back from the garden, his mother had already set water for him to bath.
''Where are you off to my son?'' Asiah asked Derrick who was trying to sneak out of the house. ''I am going out to see Stephen.'' ''It is well my son.'' ''Sure mom, I will see you in a little while.'' As Derrick was walking all alone, all he could think about was what Stephen said to him the last time he was with him. ''What will I tell Steph if he asks me about having a girlfriend now? Why does he not understand that am not into girls? What would I even be doing with a so-called girlfriend? I am not lacking in love; my mother loves me. What more could I ask for? No, I do not need a girlfriend, certainly not.
''What are you busy babbling?'' voiced out someone. Lost in thoughts, Derrick looked up and in front of him stood a pretty lady. Derrick in return said nothing but kept staring at the girl. To break the silence, the girl said hi waving her hand before his face. ''Hi, Hi,'' he responded still drowned in thoughts. ''What is it? You seem so lost.'' ''No, no, you are wrong, its nothing.'' ''Okay then.'' The girl left at once and Derrick still lost in his thoughts, stood still. ''Isn't she beautiful?'' he mumbled.
''Watch out!'' shouted someone. It was Stephen.
''What is it?'' Derrick screamed out of fear.
''Nothing, I merely wanted you to come back to your senses. I have been here for some time and you could not acknowledge my presence. Now tell me, what were you thinking about?''
''Do not make a big deal out of, it is nothing serious.''
''Since when do we keep secrets from one another?''
''I am not trying to hide anything from you Steph.''
''Yes, you are. I know you all too well. So, tell me what's going on.''
''Alright, Alright. I will tell you. I was on my way to your place.''
''Quiet, let me speak.''
''Okay go on.''
''Then I bumped into this girl. She just blew my mind away. So cute, innocent and adorable. You know better Stephen regarding my attitude towards girls. I felt something strange, some deep feeling roam about inside of me. I do not know how to explain it all but I believe you understand me. ''
''I know my guy. I know what it is. Derrick, you will soon fall in love,'' added Stephen.
''You know better. The funny part is that I did not even say a word to her. I was so carried away that I just stood still. I already imagined my whole life with her. I tell you; it was awesome. And you know, I did not even realize when she left my presence. I was day dreaming and look at you, you just interrupted me,'' prattled Derrick.
'' Am happy for you my guy. Am sure it is not the last time that you are seeing her. She must be somewhere and the next time that you see her, take a chance. Make a move so that you get things going. If you need anything, I will be there to help.''
''But what if she doesn't love me back?'' asked Derrick holding his chin with his right thumb and fight finger.
''Exactly your problem. Why do you have to be negative about everything? Believe me it will work out for as long as love her.''
''I suppose you are right. I can say I like her for now but it won't take long to turn it into love.''
''Stephen! Stephen!'' called out Christine.
'' You are breathing so heavily, what is it?''
''Daddy sent for you.''
''Is that why you had to come running like that?''
''He said I should hurry.''
''Okay go home, I will follow you in a jiffy.''
''No, you have to come now.''
''Anything urgent?''
''No, he said I should not return without you.''
''Derrick, later. This kid won't let me. I have to go.'' Announced Stephen as his sister dragged him by the hand.
Within a short while, Stephen and Christine were home. ''Where is father?'' He asked his mother who was busy washing. Before Catherine could say anything, Stephen rushed in the living room where he found his father accompanied by Andrew, Robert's cousin. Stephen was only five years old when he last saw Andrew. Very pleased to see him, Stephen greeted him with utmost respect.
''Uncle, welcome.''
''Come my boy, come and give uncle a hug.''
''Uncle I am now a man, can't you see?'' retorted Steph.

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now